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Humor treatment


Laughter stimulates the body to produce natural painkillers and hormones of good mood, called endorphins. Thus, laughter relieves a person from stress and heals. When Norman Cause was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis, the doctors honestly told him that they could not do anything and that he would have to spend the rest of his life tormented by agonizing pain. Cusins ​​took a room in the hotel, where he began to bring all the funniest comedies that only existed at that time. He watched them again and again, each time laughing with all his might. After six months of this therapy, the doctors were surprised to state that the hopeless patient was completely healed. The incurable disease has receded! This amazing case made Cusins ​​write the book Anatomy of the Disease, and scientists began to explore the effects of endorphins. Endorphins are chemicals produced by the brain during laughter. By chemical composition, they are similar to morphine and heroin and have a calming effect on the human body, simultaneously stimulating the immune system. That is why cheerful people are much less likely to get sick. Those who constantly complain and frown, get sick more often.


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