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Negotiating in a sitting position


Let's consider the following situation: you are a manager, and you have to consult a subordinate who cannot cope with the work. You feel that you need to ask direct questions and get direct answers to them. In such a situation, the subordinate may feel under pressure. At the same time, you want to show your subordinate that you sympathize with him and sometimes agree with his thoughts and actions.
Now we are not going to talk about asking questions, but focus only on the language of gestures. Suppose that the meeting will take place in your office. The slave will sit in a chair with fixed legs and without armrests, which will make him gesticulate. By gestures you can understand his feelings and emotions. You yourself will sit in a rotating chair with armrests, which will allow you to reduce your own gestures and give a certain freedom of movement.
You can use three main angular positions. As in the standing position, form an open triangle. Place the seats at a 45 degree angle relative to each other. This will immediately create an informal, relaxed atmosphere ideal for consultation.
You can non-verbally agree with a subordinate by copying his movements and gestures. As in the standing position, your bodies will be directed to a third point, the top of the triangle, which expresses agreement.
  Negotiating in a sitting position
At the beginning of the meeting, the chairs are angled at 45 degrees relative to each other. This location helps create a relaxed, informal atmosphere.

Expanding your chair so as to be opposite to the interlocutor, you will non-verbally make it clear that you need direct answers to the directly posed questions.
  Negotiating in a sitting position
The location opposite each other suggests that the conversation should be taken seriously.

Turning 45 degrees from the interlocutor, you can relieve pressure. This is the optimal posture in which you can ask delicate or embarrassing interlocutor questions, giving him the opportunity to respond to them without feeling pressure from you.
  Negotiating in a sitting position
45 degree turn from the interlocutor


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Body language

Terms: Body language