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Why are body language signals so easily misinterpreted?


A person with a soft, weak handshake (especially a man) is almost always considered a weakling, and in the next chapter we will talk about why this is true. But if a person suffers from arthritis, he consciously uses a weak handshake to avoid pain. Artists, musicians, surgeons and those who have to perform fine manual work, prefer to abandon handshakes altogether. And if it is impossible to avoid this, then they take all measures to secure their precious hands.
A person in uncomfortable and tight clothing is simply unable to perform certain gestures. Naturally, this leaves an imprint on the use of body language. For example, for obese people it is difficult to cross their legs. Women in short skirts consciously cross their legs tightly, but as a result they look less “accessible” and are less likely to be invited to dance in nightclubs. You should always take certain circumstances into account, as physical limitations or clothing can significantly affect a person’s movements.


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Body language

Terms: Body language