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Body language. Learning the basics


  Body language.  Learning the basics
For the representative of the Western world, this gesture means “good”, for the Italian - “one”, for the Japanese - “five”.

Each of us has acquaintances who, after entering a room full of people, in five minutes can accurately tell who, with whom and in what relations is located. The ability to understand relationships between people and their behavioral thoughts is an ancient system of communication, and people used it long before the appearance of oral speech.
Before the invention of radio communication at most occurred in writing - through letters, books and newspapers. Dirty politicians and bad speakers could succeed by working hard and writing a good, sharp article. Abraham Lincoln was not a brilliant orator, but he knew how to express his thoughts on paper. The era of radio opened the way for speakers.
Winston Churchill was considered a unique speaker, but he would hardly have succeeded today, in the era of television.
Today, politicians understand that their success is determined by their appearance and image. Most serious politicians have body language consultants who help them look sincere, caring and honest, although in reality these qualities are completely uncharacteristic for them.
It seems incredible that over thousands of years of evolution, body language began to be studied only in the 60s of the 20th century. Many today consider the main form of communication speech. In an evolutionary sense, speech appeared very recently. It is used, as a rule, to transfer facts and data. Oral speech appeared about 500,000 years ago. During this time, the human brain has tripled in size. Prior to this, the main form of transmission of emotions and feelings was the language of body movements and the sounds made by the throat. I must say that the situation has hardly changed today. But, since we are focused on spoken words, most of us do not pay the slightest attention to body language. But he still plays an important role in our lives.
Nevertheless, in oral speech there are many expressions that show how important body language in human life.

Remove the weight from the shoulders. Keep at arm's length. Meet face to face. Do not bow your head. Shoulder to shoulder. Take the first step.
Sometimes such a phrase is not easy to perceive calmly, but it is simply impossible not to understand its meaning.


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Body language

Terms: Body language