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Why does James Bond look calm, confident and collected?


Linguistic studies show a direct relationship between a person’s status and his vocabulary. The higher the position of a person, the better he formulates his thoughts and builds sentences. Studies of body language show the relationship between the way a person formulates his thoughts and his gestures. A person in a high position uses words primarily. A less educated and experienced person relies more on gestures than on words. He simply does not have enough words, and he has to replace them with gestures. The higher the socio-economic position of a person, the less he gesticulates and the less he performs gestures.
Special Agent James Bond has brought this principle to perfection. He almost does not gesticulate, especially in difficult circumstances. When the bad guys intimidate him, insult him or try to shoot him, he remains almost motionless and speaks in short sentences without giving out his emotions.

James Bond is so calm that he can make love as soon as he shoots a dozen villains.
People in high positions always remain calm and try not to betray their own emotions. Such actors as Jim Carrey, act in exactly the opposite way. They play almost exclusively with gestures, which emphasizes the lack of authority in their characters. Most often they get the role of helpless, intimidated people.


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Body language

Terms: Body language