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What most like women in men


Studies show that women always prefer men with low, deep voices, because the low timbre of the voice is directly related to the level of testosterone in the body. The change in the tone of voice is especially noticeable in boys. When they become men, their body is filled with male hormones, and the voice can change almost overnight. A man who is close to an attractive woman begins to speak in a lower voice to emphasize his masculinity. The voice of the woman becomes higher, which emphasizes her femininity. In the 60s of the last century, the movement of feminists arose and strengthened. Today, women are tackling purely male tasks that require a high level of testosterone, the so-called “success hormone.” Studies show that in countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand, where feminism has reached its peak, women speak in lower voices, which is quite in keeping with their position. We hope that their breasts will not be covered with hair.


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Body language

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