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Collaboration Position (B2)


If the interlocutors think the same way or work together on the same problem, they are often positioned this way. We found that 55% of people consider this arrangement the most efficient; they intuit it when they have to cooperate with someone else.
  Collaboration Position (B2)
Cooperation position

This is one of the most advantageous positions for the presentation of your project, since it allows you to establish eye contact and makes it possible to copy the interlocutor's gestures. This position is so convenient because interlocutor B can move his chair, and interlocutor A will not feel an invasion of his territory. This arrangement is also convenient because you can connect a third party to the negotiations. Suppose the seller conducts a second interview with the client and wants to involve a technical expert in the negotiations. In this case, this arrangement will work perfectly.
The technical expert may be located in position C opposite to buyer A. The seller will sit either in place B2 (cooperation) or in place B1 (angular location). This will allow the seller to remain “on the buyer's side” and ask the expert questions on behalf of the client.
  Collaboration Position (B2)
Connection to a third party negotiation


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Body language

Terms: Body language