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Reverse side of growth


However, tall growth is not always an advantage. Although tall people are more respected than short ones, sometimes growth can be a disadvantage, not an advantage. This is especially felt in personal communication, when you need to feel on equal footing with the interlocutor. In such a situation, high growth will not allow you to achieve the desired goal.
The English chemist Phillip Heinishi, whose height is two meters, organized a club of tall people in order to better meet the practical, medical and social needs of high members of society. Heinishi himself discovered that his growth scares buyers. They were immediately lost and could not concentrate on his words. Heinishi began to hold presentations while sitting, and this immediately defused the atmosphere and improved sales figures by more than 62%.

Diminishing growth can sometimes increase status.

There are circumstances in which a decrease in growth may be a signal of dominance. This happens when a person, coming to someone else's house, comfortably settles in a low chair, while the owner remains standing. Such free behavior is a sign of a dominant or aggressive attitude.
In his own territory, and especially in his house, a person always feels his own superiority and security, therefore we advise you to use gestures of subordination in such a situation in order to achieve mutual understanding and to create trust in the owner of the house.
created: 2014-09-29
updated: 2024-11-13

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Body language

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