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Why is it so hard to lie


As we said in the section “The Magic of Smiles and Laughter”, most people believe that when a person lies, he smiles more often than usual. However, studies show that the situation is just the opposite. Liars smile less often. It is so difficult to lie because our subconscious acts automatically and independently of verbal expressions. The body language immediately gives a lie. As soon as a person begins to lie, his body sends contradictory signals, which is why the interlocutor has the impression that they are lying to him. At such moments, the subconscious releases nervous energy, which manifests itself in the form of gestures that contradict words. Professional liars — politicians, lawyers, actors, and television anchors — sharpen gestures so that it is more difficult to recognize their lies. Unfortunately, people often fall for this hook.
Hone gestures in two ways. First, you can train to make the “right” gestures in the process of lying. However, for this you have to lie a lot and for a long time. Secondly, it is possible to reduce gestures to a minimum and not use either negative or positive gestures, but this too is not easy to do.

Through practice, professional liars may look no less convincing than famous actors.
Try a simple test. Deliberately lie to someone and consciously try to suppress all gestures and gestures. Even if you succeed in suppressing significant gestures, it is almost impossible to get rid of many small micro-tests. In humans, the facial muscles twitch, the pupils dilate and contract, sweating increases, the cheeks turn red, the blink rate increases from 10 to 50 times per minute. All these micro signals immediately give a lie. The analysis of slow-motion shooting shows that these micro-tests take only a fraction of a second. Only professionals and very receptive people who have received special training can notice them.
In order for your lies to succeed, it would be best to disappear altogether from the eyes of your interlocutor. During interrogations, the suspect is put on the open space or a lamp is aimed at him, so that the interrogators can clearly see his face and body. In such an environment, it is much easier to recognize a lie. It is easier to lie, sitting at the table or hiding behind an obstacle, because the barrier partially hides your body. The easiest way to lie is by phone or email.


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Body language

Terms: Body language