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Who copies whom?


Studies show that subordinates immediately begin to copy the gestures and postures of the group leader. The leader of the first group passes through the door. Leaders usually prefer to sit on the edge of a sofa, table or bench, and not in the center. When a group of managers enters a room, the one who usually occupies the highest position goes first. At the conference table, the boss usually sits at the head of the table, farthest from the door. If the boss sits in a “catapult” position, subordinates begin to copy his behavior in accordance with their own status. This can be seen at meetings where there are two parties. It will immediately become clear to you who supports whom and in this situation.
Mirror is a great strategy for a presentation by a specific team. Agree in advance that as soon as the speaker makes a certain gesture or takes a certain pose, all team members will repeat his action. This will not only make the performance more convincing, but also frighten competitors.

Who copies whom?
Maybe Bill Clinton is a very influential person in the world of politics, but if Hillary makes a gesture, he copies it immediately, and when they walk alongside, the wife often finds herself a step ahead

When presenting goods or services to married couples, always pay attention to who copies their gestures. This will determine who in the family has the true power and who makes the decisions. If the first movement is made by a woman, even the smallest - for example, she crosses her legs, touches her cheeks with her fingers or puts her hands on her knees, and the man copies him, it makes no sense to turn to her husband. In such a family, decisions are made by the wife.

Who copies whom?
Walking in step - Charles is ahead, Camilla is slightly behind.
After the start of the Iraq war in 2003, Tony Blair began to copy gestures peculiar to President Bush.

Who copies whom?Who copies whom?Who copies whom?


Copying the body language of another person helps to establish a strong connection. The repetition of gestures and movements among friends, relatives and people of equal status occurs quite naturally. In the same way, we don’t like to copy those who we don’t like, or absolutely strangers — for example, in an elevator or in a queue.
Copying the gestures and speech of another person is the best way to achieve mutual understanding, and very quickly. When meeting a new person, copy his posture, posture, body tilt, gestures, facial expression and tone of voice. Very soon, your partner will feel inexplicable sympathy for you. He will surely say that it is very easy to communicate with you. And it will be completely understandable: in you he will see his own reflection. However, we want to warn you: take your time! When the interviewee takes a certain posture, you have three options: do not pay attention to it, enroll at your own discretion, or copy it. Mirror brings great dividends, but in no case should you copy the negative signals of another person.


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Body language

Terms: Body language