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Women, as always, better


Dr. Simon Baron-Cohen of the University of Cambridge conducted a series of studies in which people were shown pictures where only a narrow strip of face was visible — that is, eyes. The participants in the experiment were to identify the mental state depicted in the photographs as friendly, hostile, relaxed, or concerned.
It turned out that more than half of the answers turned out to be completely correct, but men guessed the state depicted in the photographs in 19 out of 25 cases, and women in 22. From this it can be concluded that people in principle have an innate ability to better recognize eye signals, than body signals. But in this woman surpassed men. Scientists still do not know how the information of pupils is transmitted and decoded. People just know how to do it - that's all! Autism has the lowest rates, and the overwhelming majority of them are men. The autistic brain does not have the ability to understand body language signals. That is why it is difficult for such people to enter into relationships with other people, despite the fact that most of them have a very high IQ.

Keep an eye on them

Humans are the only primates with whites of the eyes. The eyes of great apes are completely dark. Eye whites are used for communication purposes, as they allow you to catch the direction of gaze. And the direction of view is closely connected with the emotional state. The female brain is better than the male is adapted to recognize emotions, so the whites of the female eyes are more male. The lack of protein in apes does not allow potential prey to understand where the pursuer is looking, which greatly increases the chances of a successful hunt.

Humans are the only primates with whites of the eyes.
created: 2014-09-28
updated: 2024-11-13

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Body language

Terms: Body language