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King Arthur concept


King Arthur invented a round table to give all his knights equal authority and status. The round table creates a relaxed, informal atmosphere. It is ideal for free discussion between people of the same status, since each person has the same table part. The circle around the world is considered a symbol of unity and strength. Even if you just arrange the chairs in a circle, then immediately feel the impact of such a structure. Unfortunately, King Arthur was unaware that if the status of one person is higher than that of others, this will immediately change the group’s dynamics. The king was endowed with the highest authority, and therefore, the knights sitting on either side of him, automatically received the second most important status, and the one who sat on the right had a status higher than the one on the left. The greater the distance to the king, the lower was the status of the knight.
  King Arthur concept
A person of high status sitting at a round table immediately changes the distribution of status and authority of the rest of the group.

The knight, who was sitting opposite King Arthur, found himself in a rival / defensive position and, accordingly, caused the greatest number of problems. 68% of respondents confirmed that a person sitting in front of them at a round table is usually the most hostile and aggressive. 56% of respondents said that this placement demonstrates a lack of interest and unwillingness to participate in the discussion. So often people sit in the reading room. And 71% of respondents said that friendly conversation and cooperation are possible only with those who are sitting next to you.
Today, in business offices, square, rectangular and round tables are most common. A rectangular desktop is used for work, short meetings, reprimands to subordinates, etc. A round table is often coffee. Around him are usually placed low chairs. It is used for informal conversations. At the round table, it is easier to convince the interlocutor that he is right. Round tables are often found in homes where there is no dominant parent. The atmosphere in families gathering around the round table is usually democratic and relaxed. Square tables can often be seen in canteens.


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