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Blair-Bush Power Games


During the 2003 military conflict in Iraq, George Bush and Tony Blair appeared before reporters trying to demonstrate a powerful alliance, a "union of equals." However, a careful analysis of the photographs shows that George W. Bush was actively playing a power game, trying to subdue the British Premier.
  Blair-Bush Power Games
Without a weapon and in an informal setting: George Bush is clearly suppressing Tony Blair - look at how he puts his hand in position with his hand up.

In this photograph, Bush prudently placed himself on the left side of the picture and moved Blair’s hand to palm up. Bush is dressed in the uniform of the Commander-in-Chief, and the British Prime Minister is more like a schoolboy who happened to meet with the school principal. Bush’s legs stand firmly on the ground and provide support for his back, which allows the president to even more strictly control Blair. Bush always takes a place on the left side of the picture, so that viewers perceive him as a strong, dominant personality.


In order not to lose control of the situation, if you understand that you will find yourself in the picture on the right side of it, begin to stretch your hand for a handshake as early as possible. This will cause the other person to immediately turn to face you. And then your handshake will be equal. If you know about the upcoming photo and video, try to stay so that you are on the left side of the picture. In the worst case, resort to a handshake with both hands to equalize your chances.


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Body language

Terms: Body language