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How to maintain contact views on a nudist beach


We sent a group of ordinary people to a nudist beach and videotaped their behavior. It was interesting to observe the process of dating. It was very difficult for men to overcome the temptation to look down, and the video camera showed this very clearly. Women said that they had no such problems. And indeed, almost no woman looked at the “lower regions” of her new acquaintances. This is due to the fact that men have tunnel vision. They are much better than women see straight ahead, including the distance, which allows them to aim well during the hunt. Most men have poorly developed peripheral and near vision, which is why it is so difficult for them to find objects in refrigerators, kitchen cabinets and dressers. The field of view of women extends to 45 degrees in both directions, as well as up and down. An ordinary woman can look directly at a man’s face, but at the same time conduct a full inspection of his manhood.

The interlocutor may feel that the woman is looking in one direction, while her gaze is directed in a completely different direction. Well-developed peripheral vision helps women


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Body language

Terms: Body language