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Foot direction


Feet not only give out the direction in which we would like to go, but also point to those who cause our greatest interest. Imagine that you are at a party and you see a group of three men and one woman. The conversation is clearly dominated by men, and the woman just listens to them. And now pay attention to their legs. The feet of all will be directed towards the woman.
This simple non-verbal key suggests that all men are interested in a woman. Subconsciously, she notices these gestures and remains in the group until such attention flatters her. A woman stands in a neutral posture, but can direct her foot toward the man who seems to her most attractive.
  Foot direction
Feet clearly betrays male interest.


Only a few realize that in the direction of the body and the legs it is possible to determine the relationship between the interlocutors. If you want people to feel comfortable, use the open position in the form of a triangle. When you need to press on the interlocutor, get up to face him. The open position allows people to think and act independently, without feeling pressure. Never approach men from the front, and women behind, try to choose more neutral directions.
Recognizing the direction of the body and the foot requires some practice, but very soon this skill will become familiar to you. If you learn in everyday communication to recognize and use the direction of the body and feet, as well as positive chains of gestures (open palms, bending forward, leaning your head to the side and smiling), it will be easier for others to communicate with you, and you will be able to influence them in self-interest.


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Body language

Terms: Body language