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Conscious achievement of mutual understanding


Mirror is one of the most important lessons in body language that you can learn, since it is this that allows you to feel the agreement and sympathy of another person. This is a way to express agreement and sympathy, and it is simple and quite accessible.
  Conscious achievement of mutual understanding
Reflection of signals of the interlocutor's body language helps to achieve mutual understanding and agreement

If the manager wants to reach an understanding with the subordinate and create a calm atmosphere during the conversation, he can copy the posture of his employee. Similarly, the subordinate can copy the position of the boss to express agreement with the manager’s point of view. Given the above, it becomes clear that mirroring helps to influence others by copying their positive gestures. Thus, you set up the interlocutor in a receptive and calm way. He literally sees that you share his point of view.
  Conscious achievement of mutual understanding
The chief will consider the mirror behavior of the subordinate mocking and arrogant.

However, before you copy the interlocutor's body language, you must take into account your relationship with him. Suppose a young employee comes to the office of the head to ask for a promotion. The chief invites him to sit down, while he himself assumes the position of a “catapult” in combination with the “American four”, thereby immediately emphasizing his superiority. What do you think will happen if a young employee sits down in the same way and starts talking about a pay raise?
Even if the subordinate speaks absolutely normal, his posture will offend the boss, and the one who comes with the request is unlikely to achieve the desired result. Mirror is an effective means to put a person in his place, demonstrating his superiority without any reason. Accountants, lawyers and senior managers very often use gestures and postures of superiority in the presence of those whom they consider dependent on themselves. With the help of mirroring, you can disarm them and force them to change the situation. But never do this to your boss!
  Conscious achievement of mutual understanding
These people are in the same position. The small distance between them suggests that they are friends and colleagues and pursue the same goals.
created: 2014-09-29
updated: 2024-11-13

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Body language

Terms: Body language