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Submissive handshake


The opposite of a vigorous handshake is the position in which your hand (see the picture of the striped sleeve) is placed palm up. Thus, you symbolically transfer control to the interlocutor, just as a dog demonstrates the throat of a stronger dog.
Such a handshake is quite effective if you consciously want to transfer control over the situation to the other person or you want to let him know that he dominates your relationship. A submissive handshake is appropriate if you are going to apologize.
  Submissive handshake
Submissive handshake

Although the position of the hand palm down, as a rule, demonstrates obedience and submission, in some circumstances, such an interpretation is erroneous. A person suffering from arthritis will never hold your hand firmly and will always turn his hand upward, since such a situation is less painful for him. A weak handshake is also characteristic for those who are engaged in fine manual work - for surgeons, artists and musicians. Such people by all means protect their precious hands. When analyzing a handshake in similar circumstances, you should take into account other gestures included in the chain. In a weak, submissive person, you will definitely notice characteristic gestures. A person energetic and domineering will certainly demonstrate his authority in other ways.


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Body language

Terms: Body language