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The first 20 seconds of the interview


  The first 20 seconds of the interview

Many are told that during sales or interviews for hiring, it is necessary to maintain strong eye contact with another person and not to break it until you sit down. This creates problems for both parties, since such actions are absolutely unlike the usual meeting of two strangers. A man wants to look at the hair, legs, shape and face of a woman. If she looks him straight in the eye, he feels awkward and tries to look at her furtively during a conversation, constantly fearing to be caught in this occupation. Not surprisingly, the man is distracted from his job or from the interview process. Some women are very disappointed that men behave in the same way in the business world. But whether we like it or not, we are all exactly the same.

Whether you like it or not, all men necessarily look at the buttocks of a woman leaving the room, even if they did not like her front view.
Video filming of interviews shows that men and women who came to talk necessarily appreciate the figure of the woman conducting the interview. True, thanks to well-developed peripheral vision, women do it less clearly. Women are much more critical of the appearance of other women. However, goes to men. Women interviewing, pay attention to men's haircut, suit, appreciate the coordination of movements, the arrows on the pants and the degree of polishnost shoes. Most men do not even suspect that when they leave the room, women appreciate how well their shoes are polished from behind.


When you come to the interview, shake hands with the person with whom you have to talk, and then give him the opportunity to complete the assessment process. It usually takes 2-3 seconds. Look down to open your briefcase or folder, rustle the papers, turn away to hang the coat, move the chair closer and only then look at the interlocutor. By filming commercial interviews, we found that this tactic is not only pleasant for both parties, but also more likely to achieve positive results.


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Body language

Terms: Body language