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Points language


Almost any object can give out the thoughts and mood of its owner. And this applies to points to the full. The most common gesture is biting the bow.
As Desmond Morris pointed out, biting or sucking some objects suggests that a person is trying to gain a feeling of security similar to the one he had on his mother's breast. This means that biting the eyeglass frame indicates a need for encouragement and support.
  Points language
Biting the glasses is a way to draw time.

If you wear glasses, then sometimes it seems to you that you look at the world through two rolls of toilet paper. People around you perceive you as a serious and intelligent person, especially at first glance. In one study, respondents assessed the level of intelligence of people depicted in the photographs. Two people gave different marks to the same person - only because he was wearing glasses in one photo and without them on the other. However, this impression lasts no more than five minutes, so we advise you to wear glasses only for short interviews or meetings.
I must say that glasses with overly large glasses, as well as exotic or colored frames in the style of Elton John, reduce the impression of intelligence. Young people in large glasses look older, more serious and more confident.
  Points language
Massive glasses make you more sincere and intelligent.
Extravagant rims make the opposite impression.

Returning to our research with the help of photographs, we can say that in a business setting glasses make a person more serious, intelligent, conservative, educated and sincere in the eyes of his interlocutors. The more massive the rim, the more often such assessments met in the descriptions given by our respondents. Moreover, these definitions equally applied to both men and women. This is explained by the fact that big businessmen usually prefer glasses in massive frames. In a business setting, glasses can be considered as a symbol of power. Small, light frames or rimless glasses, on the contrary, indicate a lack of authority and that a person is more interested in fashion than business. In informal communication, the opposite is true, because in such an environment you are perceived as a friend or lover, and not as a serious and thoughtful business partner. We advise those who occupy a high position to wear massive rims when you need to give the impression of a serious, authoritative leader, and light rimless glasses when the boss wants to look like “his boyfriend.”

Delay tactics

Biting the glasses, like smoking, can be considered as a tactic of delay and delay. During negotiations, such a gesture most often appears closer to the final stage, when a person needs to make a decision. Another way to pull time is to wipe the glass frequently. If you asked a partner to make a decision, and he began to wipe the glasses, it would be best to wait for a response in silence.
The intended answer can be understood by the gesture that follows the biting of the bow. If you recognize it correctly, you can take the necessary actions in time. For example, if a person puts on his glasses again, this often means that he wants to “consider” all the facts again. Folding the bows and laying the glasses aside indicates the intention to end the conversation. And if the partner just threw points on the table, then, most likely, he will reject the offer you made.


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Body language

Terms: Body language