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Look me straight in the eyes, baby


On the television show, we conducted a small experiment with the help of a marriage agency. Several men were told that the next lady who would come on a date with them would be exactly the one they were looking for, and they would be able to have a great time. We explained to each man that as a child their new friend had an eye injury, and she was very upset because the eye was moving incorrectly. We said that we are not sure what kind of eye it was, but if a man looks closely, he will be able to determine it himself. Each woman was told a similar story regarding her new acquaintance. That is, after looking, she would be able to determine which eye was damaged. On dates, couples stared at each other, trying to identify the source of the problem. As a result, the level of intimacy of dating increased significantly, and romantic relationships arose between people. Twice as many agency clients had a second date after this background.

A close look directly into the eyes creates a feeling of intimacy.
If you want a second date not to take place, warn people that their new acquaintances do not hear well and that they need to speak louder than usual. As a result, they will talk louder and louder, and at the end of the evening they will start shouting at each other.


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Body language

Terms: Body language