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People who wear glasses sometimes use them in value chains. Thoughtful suction of a handle of points is similar to stroking a chin. This gesture speaks about the decision making process. Smokers in a similar situation can produce clouds of smoke. When a person who was asked to make a decision, takes a pen or pencil in his mouth, this indicates his uncertainty and the need for additional stimulation. The subject in the mouth allows a person to slow down a bit and not to react immediately.

Chain of assessment and decision gestures

Chain of assessment gestures, decision making, boredom

Sometimes gestures of boredom, evaluation and decision-making appear in various combinations, and each of them emphasizes certain aspects of a person’s attitude to the problem posed.
The figures below show how the evaluation gesture goes into stroking the chin. This person clearly evaluates the proposal and at the same time tries to come to certain conclusions.
When the listener begins to lose interest, his head begins to lean more on the arm. The following figure shows the assessment gesture, with the listener's head clearly resting on the thumb. This person has lost interest in speaking.
created: 2014-09-28
updated: 2021-12-12

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Body language

Terms: Body language