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A vector is a directed segment.


The vector has a beginning and an end. Denoted by lowercase Latin letters a, b, c, ... or an indication of its beginning and end, the beginning is always indicated in the first place. In the drawings, the vector is marked with an arrow. Sometimes the word "vector" is not written, but they put an arrow above the letter.
Vector AB, AB, a


The vector AB and the vector CD are called equally directed if the half-lines AB and CD are equally directed.
The vector AB and the vector CD are called oppositely directed if the half-lines AB and CD are oppositely directed.
a and b are equally directed.
a and c are oppositely directed.
The absolute value of a vector is the length of the segment representing the vector. Denoted by | a | .
created: 2014-10-05
updated: 2021-03-13

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Terms: Planometry