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The height, median and bisector of the triangle


Triangle height

The height of a triangle dropped from a given vertex is called a perpendicular drawn from this vertex to a straight line that contains the opposite side of the triangle.

  The height, median and bisector of the triangle

B1D1 - height of the triangle A1B1C1, dropped from the vertex B1. B2D2 - the height of the triangle A2B2C2, dropped from the vertex B2.

Triangle bisector

The bisector of a triangle drawn from a given vertex is the segment of the bisector of the angle of a triangle that connects this vertex with the point of the opposite side.

  The height, median and bisector of the triangle

EG - FEH angle bisector. ∠ FEG = ∠ GEH.

Median of a triangle

The median of a triangle drawn from a given vertex is the segment connecting this vertex with the middle of the opposite side of the triangle.

  The height, median and bisector of the triangle

RX is the median of the SRT angle. SX = XT.


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Terms: Planometry