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Yandex Maps - traffic to addresses of organizations


  Yandex Maps - traffic to addresses of organizations

We consider Yandex Maps as an additional source of commercial traffic . Not great, but targeted.

I can not yet boast with large statistical data, but the data on the "calls" are, in principle, encouraging , there is also not much traffic.

Relatively recently, Yandex made it possible in the webmaster's panel to specify the " Site Region ", everyone already uses this all, but the " Addresses and Organizations " - this tab, judging by what I see, is used very rarely, and you need to use it .

  Yandex Maps - traffic to addresses of organizations

What gives us information about the organization?

If the site represents your organization on the Internet, the description of the site on the search results page can be supplemented with contact information . In addition, the information you provided about the full name, addresses, phone numbers and occupation of the organization will be used when searching for organizations in the Yandex.Maps service .

The tool works in beta testing. Editing address data is open for sites with a value of TIC above 10.

Suppose we now do not consider this tool, from the point of view of the organic issuance of Yandex, we are concerned only with Yandex Maps.

What do we get from specifying real data about the organization if the moderator approves it?

  Yandex Maps - traffic to addresses of organizations

When searching for any service will be issued information about the organizations. In certain niches, and even more so in the regions, firms with a site are higher .

Calls - yes, traffic - small, but also yes.

For Moscow , measurements have not yet been made, for the regions , an additional source of customer acquisition.


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