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We buy effective advertising on sites: interests of the audience and conversion


the interests of the audience on the site , the conversion, and the issue of buying advertising on the sites will be affected. Analysis of the advertising platform - this is what the customer should do, you can argue, but in fact we have already crossed this line, now the platforms should provide maximum information for customers (a lot of graphics).

Most recently, there were several posts, in response to which I decided to write this note, and then added it.

Globator wrote the article "How to make an effective page" Advertising on the site ", in response to him Maul wrote some corrections" Addition to creating an effective page "Advertising on the site".

Accordingly, my article was supposed to be called " Supplement to supplement ... " We buy effective advertising on sites: interests of the audience and conversion but it is not. Although initially - just an addition.

All this is good, as described earlier, only gives only bits for real analysis of information , audience, distribution of the audience on the site, as well as on the effectiveness of certain places on the site for advertising .

As usually offered to buy advertising on the site?

There is a certain set of puzomerok , attendance statistics , subscribers , as well as the scheme of distribution of advertising space.

Here are a few examples of such pages, you can see for yourself, and someone just hangs banners saying "buy advertising."

How useful is this information to advertisers?

How can I, as an advertiser , understand that a certain place on the site will be “ clickable ”, that the audience that visits the resource reads it and does not deprive certain areas on this site?

At the moment - this information is not provided , but it will actually be very popular. That is why I decided to show what is worth adding to the page " Advertising on the site ."

We buy effective advertising on sites: interests of the audience and conversion

On the screenshot above, you see 3 options for presenting information to advertisers, namely:

  • distribution of clicks on the main page
  • distribution of attention with scrolling on the site
  • distribution of users' attention on the site

All these reports are issued by the system of recording and analyzing user behavior on the site - Web-Visor. This is the information that the sites really lack in order to make offers for advertisers more efficiently and reasonably .

You know almost nothing about the audience of your sites!

Let's look at the example of a couple of my resources, what interests the site visitors , and also how I use it .

When you write any material - it is important for you to know what "hooked" the audience to a greater extent, and what did not hook at all.

Previously, we could only be based on feedback , the responses to the article made it possible to analyze some interesting points, but often comments like "thank you", etc. - written to get links from the blog, it spoils the overall statistics and we do not have more or less objective information .

And I can say that I have this information We buy effective advertising on sites: interests of the audience and conversion

Suppose I can tell exactly on the attention distribution map what information was most interesting for the readers of the article “On motivation, goals and their achievement,” which means that in the future I will write more materials based on this exact information. .

We buy effective advertising on sites: interests of the audience and conversion

In addition to the attention of users , I am also interested in the report on clicks that users make in certain areas of the page, this is also invaluable information for analysis .

We buy effective advertising on sites: interests of the audience and conversion

In this article, one of the most clickable zones was a link to a page about me, which means that I can find out exactly what users paid attention to on this page.

We buy effective advertising on sites: interests of the audience and conversion

Also, I know for sure that the links that stand in the blogroll are interesting to my readers , which means this block is worth knowing on the site.

We buy effective advertising on sites: interests of the audience and conversion

Let's go ahead and take a look at the article "Open Site Explorer - a tool for link mass analysis," here I see for sure that users paid the most attention to information about the tool (OSE), , as well as to the information that only 48 hours for testing allotted. The rest of this post was no longer so interesting to readers and was viewed in fluent mode.

We buy effective advertising on sites: interests of the audience and conversion

Great, and now it's time to analyze how effectively you write texts , whether users react to correctly placed "hooks" in the text, whether they attract attention.

We buy effective advertising on sites: interests of the audience and conversion

On the distribution map of attention above and below this text, we see - yes, users reacted quite well to the "clues" in the article "About links from blogs."

We buy effective advertising on sites: interests of the audience and conversion

We also see that quite a large part of users focuses their attention on correctly designed text elements that are stylistically designed.

We buy effective advertising on sites: interests of the audience and conversion

Perhaps we finish the analysis of the blog and move on to a more commercial direction.

Here we want to understand exactly which of our offers effectively catch visitors to the site . For example, take the offer for a free website promotion.

We see that users pay attention to the offer itself , this is the most active zone in the users' first screen.

We buy effective advertising on sites: interests of the audience and conversion

Also, on this page, they are interested in the conditions , namely the free of charge of this offer.

We buy effective advertising on sites: interests of the audience and conversion

And, understandably, the conditions for participation in this action.

We buy effective advertising on sites: interests of the audience and conversion

So we highlighted the main areas of attention of users on the offer page, which means that we can use them more effectively!

Visitor statistics, say Live, can give us information on the most visited pages, but what kind of visits ?

These are ALL visits, including bots (not search engines), but information about clicks on menu items on the visor can provide us with more objective , and most important, visual information .

We buy effective advertising on sites: interests of the audience and conversion

Clicks are clicks, and how is the attention of users distributed over menu items ? This is also important to us, and here we see a slightly different picture of how the site is explored by users. And then - we analyze and compare.

We buy effective advertising on sites: interests of the audience and conversion

And what kind of audience on the site? - different, from customers, to webmasters and competitors, which we can determine by clicks and attention to site statistics.

We buy effective advertising on sites: interests of the audience and conversion

This is just a small review that I made on the basis of 1 account, where several of my sites are monitored. I cannot show client sites (you know why, I think so), and I don’t remember the passwords from these accounts, I would have to “search” and search.

Analyze the audience of your sites!

Do not regret spending real pennies on the analysis of their sites, because without it, you can not know exactly a number of things:

  • what kind of audience visits your site;
  • what information interests the audience;
  • exactly which words or sentences "hooked" the reading audience;
  • whether the audience reads your texts at all or just skims through;
  • each user you are interested in is under observation, full visualization of how he sees your site.

In my opinion, this information is necessary first of all to YOU , although potential buyers of advertising on your site will be really happy to see these “pictures”, because it means that you really study and give the opportunity to study the audience of the site.

We have before us a whole ocean of information for the analysis of selling and not selling texts, catchy and not catchy offers. Efficiency should be enhanced with the help of working tools, including visual ones.

And for those who do not sell advertising, but try to monetize the site through affiliate programs, there will be a lot of interesting things - after all, this tool will let you know the most effective place to place affiliate banners.

About the business - I generally keep quiet, the one who does not use - loses not just information, but in fact much more - potential customers.


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seo, smo, monetization, basics of internet marketing

Terms: seo, smo, monetization, basics of internet marketing