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3 tips for improving your visitor conversion results


If you say that 2009 was successful for B2B marketers , then this will be at least an exaggeration.

  3 tips for improving your visitor conversion results

Over the past twelve months, we have seen a fall in conversions, since most marketers were engaged in market research, and were not yet ready for serious business.

While everyone hopes to improve the economic climate next year, there are some factors that B2B marketers may already take into account when planning their campaigns for 2010 .

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the three tips outlined below that will undoubtedly increase your chances of success in search marketing next year.

Explore reporting options (alternatives)

The primary task is to calculate your total income or acquisitions from the search. Fortunately, there are two spheres exploring which, you can be sure that there are no missed opportunities:

Conversion window

Like most marketers, you probably have your own special conversion window for reporting. However, under certain economic conditions, you wish to expand it.

Why Because by expanding your conversion window, you will be able to determine how many visitors performed conversion activities, but outside of the time period in which you conduct research.

In general, by expanding the conversion window you will significantly increase your sales levels and increase the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.

Micro conversions

Taking care of your profits and attracting new customers should not underestimate the importance of micro-conversions, such as for example: e-mail newsletter or newsletter subscriptions, various downloads of materials.

Naturally, such a conversion of users into customers will take much longer, but such micro-conversions, from the point of view of B2B marketing, are of great importance for the future.

By following this advice, you will be able after some time to get some percentage of the conversion of your visitors into customers. By monitoring your micro-conversions, you will be able to determine the relationship between them and the level of sales, so you will more effectively implement your marketing strategies.

Optimize your conversion to the maximum

Many B2B marketers use information from conversions to increase sales. In any case, you should not rely on separate indicators, consider this information as a whole, i.e. wholly.

Due to the fact that some marketers optimize the result, and not the reason for the conversion , they lose customers. A vivid example of this, the various trial proposals on the site, is a good way to attract customers, but it does not need optimization.

Marketers should optimize the information that is guaranteed to lead to the conversion of the visitor into the client. To do this, you need to compare the information from your site with the extreme point of the conversion, which can be learned from CRM.

It should be remembered that the level when a trial offer can be converted into new customers is very changeable and depends on various factors, such as for example:

  • like your marketing company;
  • advertising group;
  • search service;
  • keywords.

After analyzing this information, you can optimize your conversion to the maximum, thereby making more effective use of advertising budgets, in the end - the client will be cheaper for you .

Brand Click Analysis

If a large number of your sales or customers come from brand search (as is the case with most advertisers), then you need to do an analysis of clicks on branded phrases.

This will allow you to improve your search visibility for two reasons:

  • A click analysis will help you determine which products or services your visitors order most often. Using this information you can optimize your sales, and create more effective marketing strategies taking into account the terms and phrases that most attracted customers.
    For example, if visitors who came to the site by brand inquiries are prone to choosing services or products depending on what they need, then you need to analyze and classify the groups of products that you have on your site and segment them, then you can more accurately determine which groups of goods are in demand, and which are not relying on information obtained from the analysis of clicks.
  • In addition, clickthrough analysis will allow you to determine where visitors most often leave your page. Knowing this information you can better optimize the page where visitors decide to leave your site. Also, this information will allow to better understand the preferences of visitors, or vice versa, what they do not like. Information about search phrases that led visitors to your site is not enough. Always use an integrated approach to studying the behavior of visitors on your site, the analysis of brand clicks is a very important part of it.

I hope that next year the economy will recover and will continue to develop, most B2B marketers understand that you can not sit back and wait until something is resolved by itself.

Now is a very good time to improve your marketing strategies, and the tips described above will help you with this.


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seo, smo, monetization, basics of internet marketing

Terms: seo, smo, monetization, basics of internet marketing