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WebEffector - we distribute invitations (invites) to WebEffector


  WebEffector - we distribute invitations (invites) to WebEffector

In the wake of the Optimization 09 conference, at which Web Effector was presented (an automated search engine promotion system), several people asked me to invite to test the service in ICQ and right in the comments. I think so far not all were at the conference, respectively, could not receive an invitation to the system.

Well, " it is necessary so necessary, " you will be invites   WebEffector - we distribute invitations (invites) to WebEffector there are not so many of them, so hurry up to take (or rather make a request).

  WebEffector - we distribute invitations (invites) to WebEffector

Happy owners of business cards with a invite in the form of a code are already testing the service.

Web Effector is a unique tool that allows you to maximize the promotion of sites in Yandex, Google and Rambler while spending tens of times less time on promotion than manual work.

  WebEffector - we distribute invitations (invites) to WebEffector

The interface allows automatic selection of requests with a flexible filtering system and screening of dummy words, independently selects relevant pages, evaluates the optimal monthly budget, automatically compiles link texts and places them on the best sites from the white lists with a guarantee of indexing.

The project itself is not new - it is already working, so an invite to Web Effector is not an invitation to play the role of guinea pigs.   WebEffector - we distribute invitations (invites) to WebEffector

I think after a full-fledged presentation of the project on AllinTop.TV you will have few questions, but it will be later. So far a short interview is available that Nail Baikov took from Grigory Seleznev and Mikhail Raitsin at a search engine optimization conference.

  WebEffector - we distribute invitations (invites) to WebEffector

As for the invites - unsubscribe in the comments to the post with a request to send, you will be invited to WebEffector (the box does not have to be indicated in the message body - I will send to the one that I see as the blog administrator, the number is limited).

What interesting things are still planned in the very near future:

  • Seminar for "advanced" users "Contextual advertising: from media plan to profit" - December 9, 2009
  • Free seminar: "Express methods for assessing the quality of a web project: safety, performance, layout, SEO, usability" - December 10, 2009
  • Presentation of the new interface MainLink + answers to your questions from All in Top - December 16, 2009


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