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Want to become a popular blogger?


CEO is my calling, I adore the Internet, Google and the possibility of promoting our products, services and even myself, which even those who have limited opportunities can use.

  Want to become a popular blogger?

One of the key ideas for becoming successful online is a clear understanding of how to move forward, earn respect and trust in this industry.

The main problem of the blogosphere

One of the main problems of today's world of blogging is copying information: blogs publish news that has already been copied many times from the original source. No new points of view, thoughts, unique news, reviews or scandals - just copying information that a regular user can read on thousands of similar sites.

Many people read such major blogs as Copyblogger, Problogger and simply steal content from there.

If you want to stand out, become an excellent blogger , have a high-quality and visited resource - immediately get rid of the idea of ​​copying materials!

To back up my words, I want to say that all well-known top bloggers adhere to this simple rule and it’s on the content that I want to sharpen my attention. because This strategy will lead you to success online.

It is not necessary to be Einstein (genius) in order to gain trust and respect.

So, you are an expert in something, offering services or products, maybe you just want to show your knowledge in something?

It is very important to remember that you won’t get your attention just by having a good-sounding title.

At university, I learned 2 main rules :

  • When I write a post, I try to make the information complete and written as professionally as possible: the use of big words, complex theories and opened paragraphs. At first, my results were not very good, and I was shocked to calculate how much effort I put into it. Then I met one of my teachers, who told me that I tried too hard to stand out and missed the most obvious and simple rules. After that, I revised my approach to work and began to write articles, building a coherent and logical story - this began to bring their results, and my ratings grow.
  • As you know, almost everyone attended these endless classes at the university and each had their own favorite teacher. Surprisingly, most favorite teachers were not the strongest in their profession; the best were those who could bring a complex theory in a simple and understandable way for everyone. And it was evident from the attendance of classes: teachers who had such an approach were always popular.

My point of view? No one doubts that you have deep knowledge in a certain field, which is why you should not load your readers with complex information.

  Want to become a popular blogger?

People come to you to find out something and they don’t need to go into details at all. In order to become popular, you must learn to speak with the masses, and not just with a handful of people who have the same level of understanding of this information as yours.

Was it that after reading the article on Problogger you said to yourself: “Oh! It was so difficult that I got confused! ???”

This happens very rarely and this is all because the articles are written for the common people. Do you think Problogger would have 100,000 subscribers if all the information was complex and confusing?

Some additional ideas on how to become a popular blogger.

Never start writing a post without carefully considering what you want to convey . Very often we miss some ideas, thinking "yes everyone knows this", but sometimes they may not know! Sometimes, when something seems simple to you - does not mean that it is just for the rest, so do not miss the little things in your posts.

Always have your point . Most people follow the crowd - it's easier or they are just afraid to say something against it. If you do not agree with something, or if you don’t like what everyone follows, give your opinion and maybe follow you and you will be an example.

Observation of competitors . This does not mean that you have to steal ideas from the blogs of your competitors, it means that you have to follow the opinions of your competitors, their stories, and this means that you have to enter into an argument with them, revealing your idea and point of view.

Now, not just to get through a huge number of experts and experts in your field, but following the rules listed above, you can become popular no matter you are a blogger, a seller or someone else who has dedicated himself to online business.

I wanted to write, the article is finished , but I remembered my teacher from the university   Want to become a popular blogger?

  Want to become a popular blogger?

I remembered his words, which he uttered for those who finished his report on the question he asked, which sounded like this:

She graduated Scheherazade, and the lawyer must conclude

(© Kuznetsov Alexey Valerevich)

Alexey Valerievich, as a person with vast life experience, immediately told us at the very first lecture - the profession you have chosen, the most boring one, here I agree with him on something, although there are a lot of practicing lawyers who will not agree with me.

Why did I remember Alexey Valerievich ? Because his lectures on the history of the state and the rights of foreign countries, as well as lectures on Roman law, were the most attended. The very first lecture from lawyers, the very first teacher at the institute - it was him.

Unlike many other teachers, it was really interesting to listen to it, although maybe the material was ordinary, but its presentation was impressive.

Many students will remember, if not for life, then for a long time, his "catchphrase phrases"   Want to become a popular blogger?

- A woman in ancient Greece had nothing superfluous: no gray hair, no wrinkles, or convolutions ...

- Girls, yes, in order to have gentlemen, you need to have LADI! ... and we have these women !!!

- Learning is light, not learning is a little light and at work.

- There are no giving women, there are bad asking men.

- In ancient Rome, a woman was painted not with hydrogen peroxide, but modesty.

- A politician, like a girl - the main thing is to promise.

- The principle of bureaucracy: I am the boss - you are a fool. You're the boss - I'm a fool.

- If a woman says no, then she says "maybe." If she says "maybe", rejoice boys, she says "Yes."
If the woman immediately says "Yes," then this is a poorly made transvestite. "

And why did I write all this, and to the fact that not only the material is important, but also its presentation, as well as the charisma of the person.


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