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Why is SEO an important part of an online PR campaign?


SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is an important component of an online PR (PR) campaign for several reasons:

  • Increase visibility: The purpose of an online PR campaign is to draw attention to your brand or product. Well-optimized content and keywords help your site and content rank higher in search results. This way, your audience is more likely to discover your content.
  • More Organic Traffic: Sites that appear on the first pages of search results usually get more organic traffic. The more users find your content through search queries, the more opportunities for your PR messages and brand information to reach a wide audience.
  • Credibility and Authority: Ranking on the first page of search results gives the impression that your content is authoritative and trusted by search engines. This helps build trust with users and enhance your brand reputation.
  • Control over messages: Optimized content gives you more control over the messages and information you provide about your brand. With SEO, you can focus on the key aspects and unique benefits of your product or service.
  • Relationship with other channels: An online PR campaign usually involves the use of various online channels such as social media, blogs, press releases, and others. SEO helps reinforce the effectiveness of these channels by providing high visibility and content discovery through search queries.
  • Long Term Results: Optimizing your content and site for search engines creates long term results. When your content ranks well in the SERPs, it stays relevant for a long time and continues to drive traffic and audiences.
  • The combination of all these reasons makes SEO an integral part of an online PR campaign, ensuring successful brand promotion, increasing visibility and establishing trust with the target audience.

What better affects brand reputation? Many authorized PR agencies argue that this should be a holistic approach to PR actions, and not a combination of various activities.

Honestly, I already forgot about this conversation , until recently when I was choosing a company to buy a new kitchen.

As is the case with everyone, at first we began to study sentences. A simple kitchen search was the beginning of the purchase process. We flipped through the list of companies for further evaluation. In the end we chose company A.

She suited us for the products and services she provided. And after 5 hours of searching for a suitable company, we thought that this one suits us the most. At least, we thought so, until the next step in the study of the company.

Why is SEO an important part of an online PR campaign?

This search gave us a bunch of results: from local companies to simple publications in the press. However, we found reviews on popular forums, which became alarming. At such forums, it is customary to leave negative comments and reviews about companies - and the number of reviews about the company we found was enormous.

The first five results of the issuance were company reviews, where 98% of the posts were negative reviews about the company with something like the following: "Do not have business with them, whatever the price."

Most company reviews are one-time responses that will affect the company's reputation so much that it will change the number of visitors to the company's website and the number of sales.

According to recent Microsoft research: 9 out of 10 people use the Internet for shopping, and of course, they won't miss out on company reviews.

Further activities have been revised and in these circumstances it is slightly surprising. PR definitely occupies an important place in changing this process, in particular, the manner of response under such conditions is key.

And so the lack of articles about the top 10 kitchens is not the very answer that should be applied in this case. Instead, concentrate on:

  • Find out whether there are supporters of this brand in the area. Understand what people think about your company and find out whether this is true or not .
  • Leave an answer where it fits the most. You should always bring real facts into conversations, and not apply your knowledge of slang. It is necessary to have a personal approach to each and not to respond to a pattern.
  • Deploy an online PR company. Place ads, articles on major news sites, but again this development method is not natural, but it gives good results.
  • Use internal remedies. Many organizations have a group of sites, microsites, etc., which can be optimized and take up more brand space in search engines.
  • Use social networks (where possible: usually suitable for most sites), but the audience on sites like Twitter very quickly reacts to the news and sometimes may not have a very favorable effect.
  • Collaborate with partners of the company, they can help in placing advertisements on their resources. Suppose you are using a hosting company that can post information about you, etc.
  • Never forget PPC programs. For example, the site - there are posted reviews of people about companies; You can buy ads on this site in the right sidebar at the bottom. Traffic you get targeted and interested in your products.

On this occasion, you can have a long conversation, but the main idea is not to delay the answers to the opinions of people about your company. This greatly affects the perception of the brand, it increases conversion and results.

and in Yandex, you can run into other "troubles" in the absence of the proper work of SEO specialist. After all, there is such a thing as an NPC (found by reference).

Often, by the name of a company or site, you can find a bunch of “reviews” right in the snippet of the site that will scare potential customers or site visitors.

Why is SEO an important part of an online PR campaign?

The method of forming the NPS in Yandex is such that virtually any site by company name, etc. You can attach any "epithets" and after the reference update, everything will come out. It will be necessary to take action and wait for the next reference update (approximately 14-30 days).

An effective tool to reduce and increase the clickthrough rate of specific sites. It needs to be monitored, it needs to be worked on.


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seo, smo, monetization, basics of internet marketing

Terms: seo, smo, monetization, basics of internet marketing