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What does SEO specialist work consist of?


Consider the work day of a specialist in website promotion .

I am often asked to write a post about "one day SEO consultant" or "about working in an SEO agency", and this is understandable, because, recently, interest in the industry has increased many times and people want to know more.

I think that the main problem with writing this post will be that every agency, every SEO consultant and every corporate SEO team has its own approach to work. Yes, and each client needs a special approach, separate solutions depending on the available funds. Some clients just want to see reports once a month, others, on the contrary, actively participate in the process.

So, in this post I will try to honestly talk about working at Branded3, of course, I simply cannot disclose some things in the interests of the company, but I will try to get you closer to the distribution of duties, processes and structure.

Building reference weight

I am thinking of starting better with a story about building up a reference mass. The team responsible for this is a kind of pillar of the SEO campaign and it includes far from spammers who are trying to cram their link in any convenient place. Our team produces only quality links.

Every week we hold meetings where we discuss link mining strategies, looking for new ways of link mining. If we just wanted to spam the Internet, we would just pay a few hundred dollars and that's it. We do not set such a goal in front of you, and if you consider yourself a really good SEO specialist, you should take care of the quality of services.

When we think over the strategy of building a reference mass for the next client, we ask the following questions:

  • And what does our client have to attract backlinks?
  • Will you have to create something to attract backlinks?
  • What type of site is relevant to our client's products?
  • What other products are significant for our client?
  • What efforts will have to be made to advance?
  • What is the competition?

We managed to create an entire SEO department involved in the work in order to be as creative as possible. We hold meetings every week where we discuss work with the reference masses of each client and develop new ideas.

A few words about the methods ...

I know that after reading the points below, you ask the question "hmmmm, methods = purchase links ???"

I’m not going to enter into debate with you, but I’ll say the following: if the link looks like a paid link, then it will be devalued anyway, whether the money was paid or not. If I have a friend and I asked him to refer to my site in the "blog friends" section, the link will still be equal to a paid one, since This list of friends contains another 20 such links.

Therefore, I will answer the questions about methods of increasing the reference masses simply - be smarter.

Usually our team takes the following steps:

  • Competition Analysis
  • Viral marketing development and implementation
  • Creating new and maintaining old partnerships
  • Posting relevant links after consultation with customers
  • Reporting, to the head of the department, for positions, references received and other quality details.

We have strict requirements for the pages where we are going to place a link:

  • PR
  • Moz options
  • Number of page backlinks
  • Number of external links
  • Indexing
  • Level of trust (trust)
  • Similarity subjects

Obviously, all of the above is general, but it can give you a general idea of ​​what we pay attention to when working with links.

We always warn our team that they do not place links in link catalogs, purchased articles, press releases, not because these links are useless, but because we care about our reputation. We try to get high-quality links, similar to those left by users. We also have a number of our own promotion methods.

Page optimization, keyword analysis and site auditing

My partners, like me, believe that page optimization affects website ranking and consequently traffic.

We have a separate team dedicated to optimizing content and customer pages. Tasks that are given to them are very diverse, but the main goal is always the full optimization of the page for certain keywords.

Usually site site audit is as follows:

  • Keyword Analysis
  • Page optimization - full optimization of each page of the site
  • Site structure analysis
  • URL structure optimization
  • Internal relink
  • Content exploration

Of course, it all depends on the wishes of the client, but before you start promoting the site of a new client, we always conduct a full audit of the site.

Our content optimization team works very closely with PPC campaigns to verify the value of keywords and measure the amount of expected traffic. It happens that when we are not interested in PPC, we ask the client to give access to the Google Adwords campaign.


On Branded3, we classify ourselves as organic search specialists, but sometimes we also use PPC campaigns.

Our goals, as an agency of PPC campaigns, like many other similar agencies, is to reduce the cost of a campaign for customers and increase the CTR. We are constantly working on the service, removing unprofitable keywords, increasing the quality of advertising sites, which allows us to maximize the effectiveness of client campaigns.

Also weekly, we hold meetings about PPC, which allows us to quickly solve the accumulated problems or issues.

The main platform is Google Adwords, but we also use Facebook and MSN advertising opportunities.

Many meetings

Yes, Branded3 is no different from other agencies - the whole calendar is packed with various collections:

  • Customer reports
  • Traffic and Conversion Analytics
  • Business expansion
  • Solving difficult problems
  • Work with the staff, listening to everyone
  • Meetings with each team separately
  • Personnel training

It may seem that we confer more than work, but it is not. Dense work with staff and customers is an important component of business success. Such meetings help us prioritize our actions, plan and implement. In an informal setting, everyone can freely express their ideas and thoughts, and very often we took ideas for development from here. These meetings keep you up to date on customer service.

Normal SEO Workday

An ordinary day for anyone engaged in online marketing depends on the position, the clients with whom the work is carried out and the type of work (in the agency, in a team, independent consultant).

Personally, I hold the position of the head of the search engine promotion team on Branded3 and now I will introduce you to my usual working day:

8:15 - At this time, I'm already in the office, but some of my colleagues think differently . The first hour I spend on viewing urgent tasks and reading letters - it is this work that plans the rest of the day and provides me with work. Sometimes it can be such simple tasks as sending e-meil, and sometimes more serious - analyzing problems with indexing, finding out the reasons for a serious rollback in positions and installing all this in the shortest possible time.

10:00 - Meeting with each member of the team, discussing the situation with his client and the situation in general. We discuss something like the following:

  • links
  • traffic
  • viral marketing
  • new ideas
  • approximate action plan for the month

We also discuss all potential problems or customer requests that may arise.

12:00 - Lunch !!! I usually buy eat and spend time at the workplace.

13:00 - After lunch, I prefer to do links, highlighting those customers who need to be urgently promoted to a certain month. Based on this, I start looking for partners. I believe that every head of the SEO department should constantly monitor the situation on their own, in order not only to hone their skills, but also to better understand the problems of SEO consultants and analysts.

14:30 - I return to the list of tasks and begin to perform them. Choosing a problem to solve it also depends on its complexity and time consuming: solving a problem with page optimization, solutions for viral marketing campaigns, recommendations for developing pages, working with Google Analytics, working with PR campaigns. This is just a small list of what you have to do. That is why I love my job - a permanent job with a variety of problems.

16:30 - from 30 minutes to an hour I check the progress made by the team for the day. We are not faced with a specific task to achieve a certain number of links received, but I will be glad to see 2 really high-quality links than 10 low-grade ones.

17:00 - 17:30 - At the end of each working day, I want to be confident in the future day. Therefore, I check the diary entries and tasks the next day.

Of course, I do a lot of other work and often linger in the office, but this will be enough for those who want to see a SEO specialist working day.

in principle, the work of an ordinary seo-specialist in runet is extremely monotonous, because many SEOs are engaged in their basis - only links. This process should be at least partially, but automated. Yes, hands also need to do a lot, but this is an analytical work that allows you to make rules, and then your automation takes it, which, based on these recommendations, will perform routine work.

Although someone can argue that with his hands and only with his hands - it will be better. All anything, but it is possible to do for 1-2-3 projects, but not when there are dozens of projects. For example, I view each site in detail only in a certain price category, before posting a link there, and everything below this price bar is done on the machine, although adjustments are made once a week after manually reviewing resources and analyzing pages that have fallen after updates with links.

As a result, a lot of time is saved, which is dedicated to really necessary things. Especially at the moment, and so there are enough distractions, such as calls to potential clients, consulting clients who are already on the move.

Of course - the most productive time, when you can really do the analysis of the situation, think about the development strategy, this time from 23 to 2 in the morning. This is probably a habit, but really, when no one interferes - the brain works many times better, there are no extraneous noises, nor distractions.

I understand that not every blog reader is an SEO specialist, but I hope this post was interesting and useful.


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seo, smo, monetization, basics of internet marketing

Terms: seo, smo, monetization, basics of internet marketing