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Bing's cache is a very useful thing, as it turns out.


Yesterday I just stumbled upon this chip bybing, maybe someone will be useful. When buying drops, I often encounter the fact that it is not possible to understand what was on the drop domain before it arrives at the auction, neither the web archive or the back links give this information sometimes - because they don't have it. And the domain seems to be old and good.

It turns out that if there are certain factors, Bing (formerly MSN) gives the page cache if he indexed it at one time, which means that you can understand what was on the domain in the absence of other information sources.

Bings cache is a very useful thing, as it turns out.Bings cache is a very useful thing, as it turns out.

Taking into account the "sexual" activity in relation to the sites on the part of the robot Bing - it turns out very useful.

What you need to get this information?

All domains that I bought from the auction are delegated, but do not contain information now and give 403 error , Bing comes, sees it and gives the page cache from the last date of his visit to the robot. That's so useful.


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