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MFA AdSense: Topics Favorable to Runet


  MFA AdSense: Topics Favorable to Runet

While I am on vacation, I decided to add some statistics on one Google AdSense account, in which there are only MFAs. Results by subject are obtained - we look in more detail.

We take into account the main thing - all these are MFA (Made for Adsense) sites - i.e. satellites for traffic, which will be converted into clicks on contextual advertising. On this account, there are sites targeted at the Russian-speaking audience, various topics, many test topics for audience analysis. What results were obtained on topics?

The most profitable topics for AdSense for Runet

  MFA AdSense: Topics Favorable to Runet

They were:

  • RED - automatics;
  • BLUE - Internet;
  • GREEN - tourist theme;
  • YELLOW - game themes.

In fairness - it should be noted that the subject of real estate was not present, it is also profitable in runet due to expensive clicks, and there is also no female subject on this account - the envelope is also pretty good there.

Statistics do not include normal sites - i.e. full portals, etc., are pure MFA (not used by AdSense for search).

In the CTR column - the purple satellites are circled "with the visitor output on click" - I call it that. This means one thing - building the site in such a way that the user has no choice but to click on an advertisement (no black methods, a purely psychologically subtle point).

Share your practical experience in the comments, as well as in the survey - what do you have the most profitable on the Runet? What are the most expensive AdSense topics?

What are the most attractive themes for Runet, under AdSense?

  • Automotive (26%, 530 Votes)
  • Others ... (17%, 351 Votes)
  • Real Estate (16%, 329 Votes)
  • Medical (11%, 223 Votes)
  • Tourist (8%, 173 Votes)
  • Entertaining (7%, 151 Votes)
  • Internet (7%, 136 Votes)
  • Sports (3%, 69 Votes)
  • Educational (2%, 50 Votes)
  • Regional (3%, 40 Votes)

Total Voters: 2,052


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