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Global search for Yandex: the views of foreign users


  Global search for Yandex: the views of foreign users

Recently, Yandex announced a foreign version of its search on Yandex.COM . Let's read how foreign users rate it, because many in Runet are used only to criticize and compare it with the "best" Google.

So, Yandex entered the global search market. Judging by the success of Yandex, the ability to compete with Google in the Russian market, over time this search engine will become a valuable player in the global market. Speaking with time, I don’t say that it’s bad now and I can’t help but note the quality of Yandex issuing.

It is important to remember that this is not just a new project, seeking to "destroy" Google.

Yandex is a really experienced competitor with a certain experience in competition with the “Big G”. Yandex has several positives and several negatives. Let's look at this search engine in more detail.

Pros Yandex

Cleanliness and quality of issue - I looked at the views of Rand Fishkin and several other reputable people on this issue and this is really true.

Duncan Morris from "Distilled" on Search Engine Land expressed the following opinion: "After a quick analysis, I was impressed that the amount of 'garbage' in search results was very small."

He also mentioned that this search engine could be much better than Google. Over the coming months, we will see how this search engine can deal with spam.
  Global search for Yandex: the views of foreign users

The lack of advertising - the lack of paid results for me seems to be very doubtful, I do not think that the plans of Yandex include the complete absence of paid search results. She will appear very soon.

Website icons - I have to mention this. Icons of sites in the issue look just fine.

Yandex Cons

The confusion of the global issue - over time, we will understand the reasons for such a mess in the issue, but at first glance I can say that the reason for this is specific at the level of various countries.

  Global search for Yandex: the views of foreign users

For example, the search query "beamer" (a popular projector in Germany) - in the issue there are both cars and projectors. On cars - English delivery, and on projectors - German. Users are certainly smart, but usually very lazy and not patient. I believe that Yandex needs to do the division by country.

Yandex deformities

  Global search for Yandex: the views of foreign users

Go Somewhere Else (Try searching here :) - one last moment.

I hope that everyone noticed that below the statistics of the search query is a kind of proposal to use other search engines if we could not find what you were looking for.

I just trudge from it! Of course, this is only my opinion, but it looks as if they do not want their customers to return again.

If you have any information about the paid issue or noticed something else interesting in the issue, please share with me.

Yandex is an excellent search engine and I hope that it will become famous in the global search market. Otherwise, I will have to learn Russian.

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Andy Atkins-Kruger:

Matt - I think that the title of the article overestimates the possibilities of Yandex. I followed the statements of this search engine and everything is clear with their policies: they state that 12-15% of Russian Internet users use the Latin alphabet. It is this number of users that tells them what to index. They are not going to index everything globally, but only what Russian users are interested in.

The success of Yandex in Russia will not be repeated on the world market, because Google allows its users to view results in languages ​​based on the Latin alphabet and therefore easily entices these 12-15% of Yandex users. Of course, in Russia, Yandex has succeeded in fighting Google, but I do not think that we should expect the same development of Yandex in other countries. At least not now ...

Matt McG:

Logical, Andy, but now they have support for the English language, right? And this means for me to enter the world market.


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