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All SEO Factors Affecting Page Ranking in Search Results (part 3)


3. Meta tags


Value types can be as follows:

  1. None : Never sends referral data:

  2. None When Downgrade : Transfers referral data to sites on HTTPS, while data is not transferred to sites on HTTP.

  3. Origin Only : Transmits data about hosts and subdomains. In this case, the URL, as a rule, has the following form: would simply send (example).

  4. Origin When Cross-Origin : Transmits complete URL information in cases where configuration is done according to Scheme 3, regardless of which protocol uses an HTTP or HTTPS site.

  5. Unsafe UR L: Always transmits the full URL of the referrer. It is important to understand that this setting is the least secure. A portion of unencrypted data can be transmitted. By default, URL fragments, usernames and passwords are automatically excluded from the URL.



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