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How does a mobile app increase profits?


  How does a mobile app increase profits?

6 main advantages of a mobile application over other channels

  How does a mobile app increase profits?
Constant flow of new customers
Expansion of client base due to active mobile users
  How does a mobile app increase profits?
Saving ad budgets
Investing in the creation of a Mobile application is more profitable compared to investing in other series of advertising. Mobile application is characterized by quick payback. Intelligent analytics allows you to monitor the effectiveness of the stock in real time and instantly make changes.
  How does a mobile app increase profits?
Weighty advantage
before competitors
Mobile applications - an indicator of the company's image, which allows you to firmly entrench in the minds of customers, creating a clear advantage over competitors
  How does a mobile app increase profits?
Sharply increased repeat sales
Companies that have implemented mobile apps have seen an increase in repeat sales on average.
by 50%
  How does a mobile app increase profits?
Instant customer contact
Mobile applications - the possibility of instant (constant) interaction with customers. Push notifications sent via the mobile application are characterized by the highest percentage of openability (over 90%) among all other types of mailings
  How does a mobile app increase profits?
Ready effective programs
customer loyalty
Mobile applications provide the most interesting and rare opportunity with the help of GPS coupons and QR coupons to introduce loyalty programs that will significantly increase the physical influx of customers into the business space


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