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Is the presence of a keyword in the domain address taken into account? And in the directory name?


Does Yandex take into account the keyword in url ? Experiments to conduct quite simple, but you can just look more often in the search results.

But we will try to find such an example (one example, to show - examples are much more ) in the issuance of a keyword that is not popular. We are looking for the key " ".

Find the path with the banner.

Is the presence of a keyword in the domain address taken into account?  And in the directory name?

Yes gives the code 200 , and therefore indexed.

Is the presence of a keyword in the domain address taken into account?  And in the directory name?

Once we have code 200 , we will try to find a site with the same query, but in the absence of such text on the page itself.

Not long run on the search results and find another 1 instance.

Is the presence of a keyword in the domain address taken into account?  And in the directory name?

Let's review the text of the page several times, and also look at the saved copy - we do not find the keyword in the text of the page. Maybe external links? - analyze the reference mass.

Is the presence of a keyword in the domain address taken into account?  And in the directory name?

We do not find a single entry with the "" key.

This is not even an experiment - it’s just the data on the surface.

Or maybe you have other data? Let's do a survey:

Does Yandex take into account the presence of a keyword in the url?

  • Yes, takes into account (65% )
  • Not sure, did not install (17% )
  • Takes into account, but not for all requests (11% )
  • No, does not take into account (7% )


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seo, smo, monetization, basics of internet marketing

Terms: seo, smo, monetization, basics of internet marketing