Getting a direct link from the forums


I want to speak at once - this is not a call to spam forums - just a statement of some facts, observations.

Today, due to the spread of spam on the forums, many administrators put user signatures in noindex, and direct spam messages rub without much remorse.

But sometimes you really want to get a direct link with the necessary anchor from the thematic forum? True?

I will give an example.

So, we take a very popular forum - . Even if many signatures are in noindex.

As you know, Yandex has 16 words per link, i.e. Anchor length can be 16 words.
The above method is not a way to get 100% of the anchor from keywords, but some of them are taken into account.

So, to the point.

After you register with VBulletin, i.e. on any forum with this engine, you will have a specific login, it should be a keyword. Let the key word for us be " "

Suppose you are on this forum, do not spam, and communicate, that is, you create a number of posts, naturally you have an address on your site in your profile, but we don’t care about the link from this particular page, we need an anchor, or rather a part of it.

What do you get at the exit?

Getting a direct link from the forums

You get a user profile, as well as some direct link with anchor, which looks like " Visit home page ", where MyOST is a keyword.

Check for specific anchor "Visit home page"

Getting a direct link from the forums

There is an NPS , but you can check for a specific keyword, there is also a "" NPS. The site is sent a link with a specific keyword, although there are 3 extra words "Visit the home page."

Here is such a small note - " as a sponsor" I will not write anything more about it.


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