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How many keywords can I optimize the page for?


Often you have to hear this question, most often it is asked by enterprising internet marketers, and this is understandable - creating and optimizing pages is not cheap, so they want to reduce their costs by increasing keywords for one page, that is, so that one page moves ahead. the number of requests.

If I am asked this question, my answer is: “ No! I recommend optimizing the page for just one keyword or phrase ”.

Surprised? And not only are you alone, this question is one of the most relevant when optimizing a site, so there are many answer options.

But in my opinion, you only need to optimize the page for one request or phrase , although at the end of the optimization you may want to add another one or two keywords, but you only need to start promoting the page with one keyword.

It is impossible to optimize a page for one request, without having on it other similar words.

This is normal, but you need to understand that only one word can be the main one, everything around it “rotates”.

This concept will help you most effectively promote your site in search engines.

Naturally, sometimes you have several keywords that have the same meaning. I do not see anything wrong in that if the page contains the keywords "VAT" and "value added tax".

Similarly with the words "sofa" and "sofa". There is no difference between the audience that came from one or another word. Moreover, the use of synonyms on the page will save you time .

But if you look at it differently, let's say, the people who type “Windows” in the search bar are mostly young people, while the search query “windows operating system” is more popular among older people.

It turns out that there are two different groups of the search audience for the same query .

Then perhaps it makes sense to create two different pages so that they correspond to "their" audience and with their "own" keyword.

this is a very important point in the optimization of a commercial site, it should be focused on. There is an official language, there is a jargon language, they need to be separated. You can sell in official language, and collect traffic in jargon, these two pages will have a different audience by purpose, respectively, one request will be selling, and the second will be traffic-generating (for example, Windows and OS, if you say, although neither one nor the other is really selling, but on their example you can talk about what they mean).

I know that there are some optimizers that simply turn pages into a dump of various keywords, for example, "Windows" and "Windows", and "windows operating system", and "windows operating system", and many more that only imagination is capable of.

Even if we take into account that all these requests mean the same thing, such a page will not rank highly in search engines for any of them.

Remember , your page is not a geographical map where many names are searched, your page is a map on which only one city should be marked, figuratively speaking.

The concept of using several keywords on a page is suitable for promoting low-competitive inquiries, then you have every chance that your page will get into the top of these requests.

But for highly competitive requests it will be extremely difficult. You can use other keywords as secondary for this page, choose one that will be the main one and all efforts to promote this page will be around it, and several others to "enhance" the main search query.

If the search engine sees that your page is optimized (i.e. in the eyes of the search engine, this will be like the thematic focus of the page) under several queries that do not correspond to each other within the meaning of requests, then this may cause it to have contradictions about what your page is about it will be poorly ranked by all these requests, especially if they are highly non-compliant.

Probably reading this, you sit yourself and think:

"Does this really mean that I will have to create MANY pages now?".

Bingo! Yes exactly.

Yes, I perfectly understand that it will take a lot of effort and time. Therefore, start with those pages that are most important to your site.

And every week make several new pages, thereby personalizing each page under its keyword.

Gradually, you can make a large coverage of the search audience through a large number of pages personalized for individual search queries.

I know that many SEO experts do not share my point of view on this question. Moreover, some of my acquaintances, seo-specialists, who can rightly be called professionals, expressed bewilderment and said that the page can be easily optimized for several keywords.

Nevertheless, I firmly believe that it is better to have several pages for separate requests than one for several requests.

At least from the point of view that if your page for some reason falls out of the index, or something happens to it, then the damage to the search engine visibility of your site will be several times lower.

The number of keywords that should be optimized on a single page can vary depending on various factors such as content length, page topic, and page purpose. It is important to remember that when optimizing a page, it is necessary to follow the principles of naturalness and readability of the content for users, and not just for search engines.

In the past, the concept of "key density" was common, which meant that keywords should be used in the text of a page with a certain frequency. However, modern search algorithms have become more intelligent and focused on understanding content rather than simply matching keywords.

Therefore, it is recommended to adhere to the following principles when optimizing a page:

  • Focus on one or more main keyword phrases related to the topic of the page. These key phrases should be clearly related to the content and fit naturally into the text.
  • Use keywords in headings, subheadings, the beginning of the text and important parts of the content. However, do not try to overload the page with keywords, as this can affect the readability and understanding of the text.
  • Focus on providing useful information and answering user questions, not on maximum search engine optimization.
  • Create unique and original content that will capture the attention of the audience and offer unique solutions.

As a result, the number of keywords on a page is not the most important characteristic. You should focus on high-quality page optimization, providing valuable and relevant content that will satisfy the requests and needs of users.


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seo, smo, monetization, basics of internet marketing

Terms: seo, smo, monetization, basics of internet marketing