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Professional tips on how to move up the career ladder SEO


For starters, let me briefly tell you about myself. As I noticed, my story was a success on Twitter, so I think you will find something useful.

How I became head of the search department

I began my work several months ago as a project manager . More precisely, I was not him, I was an assistant. Also this position could be called an errand boy at the project manager. For obvious reasons, it was well paid, but in mental development did not give anything.

At this time, Will and Danken intended to establish a company that became Will was constantly talking to me about some kind of nonsense with the Internet. Believing that the Internet is our future, I decided to achieve work related to the Internet.

At that time I didn’t have any internet skills except hanging around the forums and playing poker. But as it turned out, this was enough to become a customer service manager at an online product promotion agency.

I was required to manage orders for both site-building projects, and SEO and PPC campaigns. Although I didn’t do anything related to SEO, constant conversations with customers about their SEO and PPC campaigns increased my interest in SEO every day.

I am sure that the following saying can be attributed to each of you: "once bitten by the SEO bug there was no turning back" (There is no way back if you tried yourself in SEO at least once) .

I started reading SEO and other blogs - to be honest, I was a little crazy about it.

And it was very good for the company for which I worked, because I began to be attracted to work with large clients.

It was very curious for me, but I still continued to fulfill my primary responsibility, and my goal was to concentrate fully on SEO , so I started looking after a more suitable position.

By this time Distilled had acquired some outlines, and Will and Danken started the first recruitment of staff and they themselves had acquired several excellent offices, so this was the beginning of the provision of SEO services. I immediately quit my old job and started my career at Distilled.

From that moment on, I became head of the Distille search department, but with only 4 subordinates and a small list of customers, so there is nothing to brag about. I still had the opportunity to immerse myself in SEO, which I dreamed about.

Until now, and at this stage, I had a lot to learn. And again, the title of my position has not changed over the years, but the work that I have done has changed radically and I felt as if I worked in several positions in Distilled.

As Distilled grew, we hired a couple more SEO specialists: Rob and Lucy. We worked practically on our own (there were some instructions from Will and Danken) as a very well-knit team and each of us had our own SEO projects within the company.

Therefore, my position as the " head of the SEO department " was no different from the work of Rob and Lucy. The whole company began to grow and, accordingly, more serious customers began to appear in our company compared to previous non-large companies.

This naturally required more serious accountability, a higher level of work with clients and the development of quality strategies for each company.

Great times. At this time I started attending SEO conferences, of which there were very few and a little later, I myself began to speak there.

So, my job of managing SEO campaigns for small projects has grown into collaboration with large companies.

I recently moved to Distilled again - we’ve expanded our SEO team and now I’m spending more time managing this team than doing various SEO tasks.

Anyway, this is my personal SEO story. I hope it is useful to take a look at how my SEO progress was going.

I think I was lucky that Distilled gave me chances to advance my career and I was able to try my hand at three different companies.

10 tips on how to start a career in SEO

And now, without further ado, I am ready to present you my 10 tips on professional promotion in the SEO industry .

Pay attention to what I'm going to talk about now - it requires some SEO knowledge from you. Therefore, I think that you should first familiarize yourself with the basics of SEO.

While reading this post, you may be able to recall what experience you have gained at various levels of SEO.

1 - Professional Development

Although I am not an ardent supporter of education, especially in the SEO industry, it would be great if you read some material - GAIQ or Adwords qualified - it can give you some very significant skills. Not to mention that it will be easy and cheap, but it is worth spending your free time!

2 - Acquisition of additional skills

SEO, or Internet marketing in general, requires so much knowledge and skill that it is impossible to look at it only as the ability to build link mass, to get backlinks.

Try learning PHP and CSS. I myself have recently learned a few CSS tricks and this turned out to be very useful in the design of blog posts.

You can hone your additional skills on third-party projects, which will also positively affect your resume.

3 - Create a brilliant resume.

When you are thinking about finding a job, it’s very important that your resume is amazing, but SEO doesn’t have a lot of skills to supplement it, is it? Think for yourself.

Instead of writing a resume about things like link building, read the post “10 MiforV in SEO.”

And also, it would not be bad to read another of his posts: what questions will be asked when trying to get a job in SEO.

4 - Gain experience in an SEO agency

If you are involved in an internal SEO company, this is great and I don’t want to say that SEOs working in SEO agencies (companies) are much better.

But, working in such agencies provides more opportunities to work with various Internet niches: news sites, commercial and many others.

This experience shows that you can easily start working with any SEO niche. It will be this optimization for a specific region, promotion of images, videos or various products.

And vice versa, if you work for such an agency, try working with the SEO team of a company.

You will receive invaluable experience of interaction with other departments of the company, teamwork, you will be assigned certain tasks, etc. All this is a very useful experience.

5 - You must be individual

In the past, I did everything to have an individuality, to be different from others. As they say, there are 2 key skills to get the best work, and individual difference will help get them: the ability to competently build a report and the ability to analyze .

Good reporting is very important when working with clients in SEO agencies or when you report to a boss in the SEO team of a company. And data analysis is needed to ensure that your report is always positive (I’m half joking here ...!).

If we talk about success, then you should be able to combine both:

Professional tips on how to move up the career ladder SEO

6 - Conference Attendance

Attending various conferences is a very wonderful lesson for many reasons: making business contacts, making new friends, just having fun, having experience in a public speech, etc.

I really like to speak at conferences and advise you. This is a huge plus to your resume. Moreover, it is very simple - just follow the speech of speakers at such conferences as SES, SMX, Adtech and try to do it yourself.

If this is too scary for you, then start with small conferences. Last year I spoke at one of those in the UK - it was the ThinkVisibility conference.

This year I am going to perform there again, but she promises to be much more. How can I get there? Very simply, I saw on Twitter that people who were willing to speak at the conference were recruited and sent their application.

If you are accepted, I think it would be useful for you to read the article necessary SEO skills.

7 - Establishing business contacts

This is what I hate most to do. Even the idea that I needed to have even a small conversation with representatives of my industry horrified me.

But then I realized that communicating with people in the SEO industry can be very useful and began active communication via e-mail, on Twitter, etc.

Therefore, always keep in touch with the local SEO community . Suppose in London it is LondonSEO. Constantly communicating with colleagues you will know who is looking for employees, and even more important - whether it is worth cooperating with them!

If you are looking for something more official - then look at LinkedIn - you can view job offers, as well as offer your services. So we come to the next item.

8 - Building Your Reputation

To get decent work, it is very important to have a reputable name, especially in the SEO industry. There are several excellent articles written on this subject:

  • WBF - how to build your reputation.
  • The basic principles of how to make yourself respected person in the network.
  • How to make your name recognizable in SEO.
  • Personal branding + expanding links = work.

In a word, communicate in social networks, write blogs under a permanent nickname, which is easily remembered.

9 - Get some management experience

This is exactly the moment when you want to transfer your work to a new level . If you want to climb the career ladder from an ordinary SEO consultant to an SEO team manager, then you will need experience in management.

If there is no such opportunity at your work, then you can always try yourself as an intern - your boss will not have to pay you and it will look great in a resume.

For those interested in this, there are some great posts from Rick Baxter:

  • SEO 101: management (article for translating SEO Management 101)
  • How to build a great SEO team

10 - Make each project more efficient.

The Internet is growing and our industry is increasingly demanding from us not only SEO specialists, but we are increasingly engaged in online marketing.

Most of our SEO skills are applicable to other niches, which can bring the best result for the customer.

Two classic examples: email marketing and conversion optimization. Become proficient in these two kinds of activities and you will become a general expert, you have little to lose in online marketing.

Finally, I wanted to emphasize two things.

First of all , I’m not looking for a job, so please don’t call for a job offer - I really love my job at Distilled and thank Will and Danken for the opportunity to promote.

Secondly , everyone has their own opinion, but I believe that happiness is not in money . When you are looking for work, look for the one that you like and you will really enjoy it.

Is your inner satisfaction much more important than $$ / ?? who will pay you. I'm serious.


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