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All SEO Factors Affecting Page Ranking in Search Results (part 4)


4. Site content


Unique content

Making more difference (corresponding content that differs from content on other sites, as in the wording and themes) is a real incentive for ranking your site.



Content change rate

Frequent changes (additions) to the content is important. It's great when you constantly add new content, but it's not that important when you make only small updates to existing content.



Font size, Keywords

When a keyword in the text of a document is in a larger font size than others on a page of text, this makes it more visible, so therefore it is more important than the rest of the text. The same applies to headings (


, etc.), which are usually in a larger font size than the rest of the text.



Formatting keywords

Bold and italic is another way to emphasize important words and phrases. However, use bold, italic, and large font sizes within reasonable limits, since otherwise you could only achieve the opposite effect.



Semantic page layout


snippets with structured information, navigation chains is a semantic network markup standard announced by Google, Bing and Yahoo! in the summer of 2011.

The purpose of semantic markup is to make the Internet more comprehensible, structured and easier for search engines and special programs to extract and process information for its convenient presentation in search results.

The markup occurs directly in the HTML code of the pages using special attributes and does not require the creation of separate export files. describes a variety of different types of entities, for each of which a set of properties is defined (over a hundred).

Here is a list of some popular entity types:

Creative works: CreativeWork (creative work), Book (book), Movie (film), MusicRecording (music recording), Recipe (recipe), TVSeries (television series) ...
Embedded non-text objects: AudioObject (audio), ImageObject (image), VideoObject (video)
Place, LocalBusiness (Local Firm), Restaurant (Restaurant) ...
Product (product), Offer (offer), AggregateOffer (consolidated offer)
Review (AggregateRating) (aggregate rating)
it also allows you to create navigation chains and other additional structured information



Semantic page layout

using microformats

Currently, Yandex supports the following microformats:
hCard - markup format for contact information (addresses, phone numbers, etc.);
hRecipe - a format for describing recipes;
hReview - layout markup reviews;


Semantic page layout

using open graph

The Open Graph standard is developed by the social network Facebook. It allows you to control the preview, which is formed when you publish links to the site on social networks, and transfer information to other Internet services.

Open Graph markup is used by Facebook, Vkontakte, Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and other services. In Yandex, Open Graph is used to transfer data to the Yandex.Video service and to form a snippet header.



Semantic page layout

using JSON-LD

JSON-LD is a format for describing content using Linked Data (LD) dictionary objects. Information designed in this way becomes machine readable. To make JSON-LD data available for automatic processing on a web page, it should be placed in the tag.



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