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Landing Page (landing page)


The landing page (English landing page , also “landing page”) is a web page that is built in a certain way, the main task of which is to collect contact information of the target audience. Used to enhance the effectiveness of advertising, increasing the audience. A landing page usually contains product or service information.

The transition to landing pages is often made from social media, email newsletters and advertising campaigns in search engines. The main objective of such pages is the conversion of the visitor into the buyer or client of the company, the urge to target action. Analysis of user actions on the landing page allows marketers to determine the success of advertising.

  Landing Page (landing page)


  • 1 Landing Page Types
    • 1.1 Autonomous landing page
    • 1.2 Microsite
    • 1.3Main site
    • 1.4 Landing
  • 2Target page views
    • 2.1 Advertising Landing Pages
    • 2.2 Target lead pages
    • 2.3 Viral Landing Pages
  • 3Efficiency
  • 4Target Page Conversion
  • 5 Methods to increase the conversion of landing pages
  • 6 Stages of creating landing pages [2]
  • 7 Advantages of landing pages in comparison with the site:
  • 8SM. also
  • 9Notes
  • 10 Literature
  • 11Links

Types of landing pages

There are four main types of landing pages:

  1. offline landing page
  2. microsite
  3. main site
  4. segmentation page

Offline Landing Page

Clickthrough rate (CTR) landing pages are the most popular type of landing pages. It is a detailed promotional offer. The main task is to prompt the user to action right now - buying, subscribing to services or company news, downloading a trial version of software, etc.

To enhance the effect, slogans that encourage and call to action, bright and large buttons, minimalistic design, emphasis on the main advantages of the proposal, countdown timers are used.


This is a separate site with information about the advertised service or product, consisting of several pages (usually no more than 5). Usually microsites contain a minimum of textual information, a large number of attractive and beautiful images of a product or service, video clips. This type of landing page is often used by large companies to advertise individual projects.

Main site

The landing page is one or more pages of the main site. This technology has a rather low efficiency, since the design of the main site has a lot of distracting attention to navigation elements. But it allows you to combine a higher conversion, compared with a regular page, plus convenience for SEO, comparable to a regular site.


Site consisting entirely of stand-alone landing pages. It has a very high conversion, but unlike all other types, it is not convenient for SEO optimization.

Types of landing pages

  1. advertising landing pages
  2. target lead pages
  3. Viral landing pages

Promotional Landing Pages

A type of landing page containing a large amount of textual, video, graphic information about a product (or service). Such pages work due to the loss of the visitor in a powerful flow of information. Buying most often occurs to justify the user effort and time spent on the site.

Target lead pages

Lead Capture - pages created to collect information about the target audience of a product or service. Used in the development of a marketing strategy to reduce sales risks. On the basis of the information collected about the visitor, a customer-oriented proposal is formed. Lead pages usually contain brief information about the offer and the form of the questionnaire (usually with a minimum number of fields). Most often, to motivate visitors to fill in the lead, calls are made to leave their data now in exchange for favorable conditions and gifts from the company.

Viral Landing Pages

This type of landing page does not contain open product advertising. On the page in any part is unobtrusively located the logo or slogan of the company. A “viral” landing page is perceived as interactive entertainment or leisure. Actively distributed by users through social networks, email, chat rooms, etc. Advertising is disguised as an article, video, picture or game. By getting used to the entertainment presented on the page, the user subconsciously gains confidence in the brand.


Landing pages are also used to differentiate the Internet audience. Based on data on the behavior of visitors to landing pages, marketing campaigns are built. Depending on the interests, level of education of the visitor, even the time of day or year, each type of visitor may be offered a different version of the landing page, focused on the desires and needs of a specific target group.

Landing Page Conversion

A landing page performance indicator is called a conversion. This is a number that indicates the ratio of the number of users who performed the target action to the number of visits to the target page and multiplied by 100%. The higher the conversion rate, the better the landing page.

A / B testing (split testing) tools are used to increase the conversion of landing pages. The task of testing is to identify the design with maximum conversion.

Methods to increase landing page conversion

For successful internal work on the base of the landing page, you need to be able to focus the attention of visitors on one goal - conversion. To do this, use [1] [ non-authoritative source? 325 days ] :

  • Cling titles and selling text. Quality content on the landing page can increase the conversion by more than 3 times;
  • UTP (unique selling proposition), describing your product from the point of view of its indispensability and necessity for your client;
  • Reviews Not necessarily in text format - video reviews are also widely used;
  • High-quality photos and videos. These may be examples of work or video faq on your info product;
  • Call to action - in a hidden or open form.

Steps to create landing pages  

  • Analysis of the market and competitors in the niche;
  • Development of UTP (unique trade offer);
  • Development of a sketch (prototype) of the page; The prototype of the page includes the development of usability, - maximum schematics of future blocks, which will be located on the page
  • Copywriting development;
  • Development of page design;
  • Layout;
  • Installing counters for the site: Yandex Metrics, Google Analytics.

Advantages of landing pages versus website

  • High conversion rate from visitor to bid;
  • Development time before launch;
  • Development cost;
  • The possibility of a simple AB testing pages;
  • Simple analysis of statistics. [3]

see also

  • Internet Marketing
  • Internet branding
  • Search marketing
  • Targeting
  • contextual advertising


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