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Moving guest posts


Today, I want to share my observations that I made when analyzing backlinks from guest posts left on

It is very interesting how the most popular and respected domains are so often copied by other sites that have PR, and sometimes even exist as independent companies.

Can such sites "thieves" pass at least some weight in outgoing links and is it possible to get the benefit from the publication of posts that are stolen?

Blogs are just robbing

With the release of the plugin for Wordpress Wp-O-Matic, which steals content, the thieves literally flooded the Internet. Large and more successful sites started stealing content from blogs.

Suppose we take this popular post from the Search Engine Journal - and look at the issue - Google issue on request.
And as you can see, the post from this journal is copied thousands of times .

Content theft has been and will be, but can this fact somehow affect our SEO campaign?

Let's go back to April 2008, when I wrote a post about my good friend Dan Fairkoz. Dan is an engineer and specializes in particle accelerators (irrelevant to SEO). At that time, he still had a young domain and did not want to get a bunch of backlinks. After I wrote a post about him, the number of links has greatly increased.

All links just appeared because hundreds of sites stole the article directly with links that had a text anchor. As a result, he climbed to first place for a query with a keyword that was his name. This was what we wanted.

Do links in stolen content transfer weight?

In my opinion, yes . It seems to me that there is no limit on the number of copies among different domains. You expect Google to just filter such pages and update the weight of the links, but I didn’t see this. And this is not only purely my opinion.

If you have not seen this, I suggest to analyze the backlinks of domains in one of the highly competitive topics. If you start analyzing sites, and - enter the exact query on the text, one of the sites and in the issue will appear hundreds of pages - copies with outgoing links.

We study: pilfered post with

I decided to research my post (title - " Tools - Top Pages on Domain Kick Ass "), which was published a few weeks ago. The article has a link to my site with the text anchor " SEO Consultant in London" .

This is not a very competitive request, but, nevertheless, at this request SEOgadget was in 3rd place in the issue. The article was copied in 21 different domains, I found out by typing the exact search query.

What do you think about the stolen content?

My favorite way to research is using a search engine. In this example, we see what happens in the issue on request, which corresponds to the text of the original article.

Moving guest posts

You can do the same thing using Copyscape. You will have to do a lot of work to find the source. Therefore, there are tools to search for plagiarism. I think you will be very surprised.

Information collected

To answer my question: “ Can websites with copied content pass weight to links? ” I need to collect some information. For each of the copied articles, I collected the following information:

  • URL and PR domain
  • MozRank domain and its MozTrust
  • comments on the article (in which form it was copied and published on a new page)
  • how search engines relate to the article

Collected information can take here.

Normal Copy Method

The most typical way of copying materials is copying from HTML and further publication on the site. In most cases, the links are deleted. Some sites simply put links in nofollow. Very often, some sites indicate that the material is taken from Google. The remaining pages published part of the article, the continuation of which can be read on the link to the source, which is also in dofollow or nofollow.

Nevertheless, all types of copying are very annoying, but the worst thing is when the links to the original are simply deleted or lead to the internal pages of the thief website. No respect for the author of the article.

Google pagerank

Although not one of the URLs was rewarded by PR; from 21 domains - 17 had PR from 6 to 1:

Moving guest posts

MozRank and MozTrust Domains

16 of the 21 sites had MozRank and MozTrust - and the results were quite high (6.03 DmR and 6.24 DmT). For example, SEOgadget has the following parameters: DmR - 4.39 and DmT - 5.28. None of the sites were in the Linkscape index.

Moving guest posts


Most of the domains had PR, MozRank and MozTrust. Some of them are quite popular in the eyes of Google and are capable of transmitting weight to links.

I'm not saying that content theft is good, but I write content to promote using thief sites. There are quite a lot of problems when copying content: incorrect HTML parsing, 404 page errors, etc.

In most cases, when copying, the links remain untouched. Authoritative domains are able to transfer weight to links after indexing a copied post.

I still keep a close look at the pages that have recently been published on sites that steal content and I think to finish the conclusions after a while.


If you are going to publish your post on any blog, then carefully consider writing this article and the location of links. I recommend to leave links to internal pages.


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