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10 ways to prove your SEO value


  10 ways to prove your SEO value

It is often very difficult to show your customers the benefits of the SEO campaign, since this service is not simple and cannot be shown as a tangible product, and the customer wants to see the work process.

So, having experience in this field, I brought several ways to convince your clients of the effectiveness and value of your work as a seo-specialist.

Daily statistics

  10 ways to prove your SEO value

You can give guest access for the client to the project account so that he can follow the progress of the promotion process on a daily basis.

Personally, I would give him all the information on the project: optimization of the pages, changes in the reference mass, special details, tasks, upcoming events (goal achievement), as well as the expenditure part - an important aspect. All this will show the client that you are actively working on his project.

Daily traffic reports

  10 ways to prove your SEO value

One of the most important parameters for a client is traffic change. If you see that the traffic of the promoted website is growing, why not attribute it to your merits.

Of course, if the client is interested in other parameters, then these numbers can tire him a little.

Information on referrals from search engines

  10 ways to prove your SEO value

Reporting on traffic changes, also mention the users who came from search engines. By showing in comparison the change in traffic on search queries, you also show the SEO work you have done.

Interest reports

  10 ways to prove your SEO value

If your responsibilities include improving usability and site structure, then you need to provide data on user interest.

Provide statistics on time spent by users on the site, on conversions, on visitors who immediately leave the site, etc. Also, the use of Google Website Optimizer can show positive and negative results of your work.

Position reports

  10 ways to prove your SEO value

I do not like to touch on this topic, but clients love such reports. Providing monthly keyword promotion statistics will show improvements in organic search. Using automatic tools can help create such reports.

Link Building Reports

  10 ways to prove your SEO value

Writing all the data on the received and acquired links into the tables will convince the client that you are “extracting” thematic, relevant links. Enter the data even for those sites that refused to place a link, because it will also show the activity of your actions in relation to the reference mass.

Mentions the name of the brand

Using tools to monitor your name on social networks, and providing reports on the popularity of the brand of your client will add value to both the promotion campaign on social networks and your entire SEO campaign.

The more visitors from search engines you attract, the more the audience of the site will be, respectively, they will start talking about it, mentioning the brand or the site itself.

Conversion Report

  10 ways to prove your SEO value

It is more suitable for commercial sites (online stores), but also applicable to any site where promotion is carried out by keywords. Again, if you have made any improvements in the design or structure of the site, show how the conversion has changed.

Monthly customer meetings

Always keep in touch with the client, arrange meetings, make reports - thus you confirm your competence in SEO and show the active development of the SEO campaign.

Identification of sources of income

Ultimately, your work will give the client its results. Analyzing changes in search engine traffic and increasing sales and profits step by step can lead you to the SEO tactics that caused this increase.

That is why it is always very important to record all your actions, because from the general list of the work you have done you can show the most effective ones.


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seo, smo, monetization, basics of internet marketing

Terms: seo, smo, monetization, basics of internet marketing