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About personalizing Google search results


  About personalizing Google search results

So, Google introduced an innovation in the derivation of search results, now everyone can customize them for themselves. In this regard, many are thinking about the "end of CEO" or fundamental changes. Let's do a little analysis of what is happening:

How did this affect the CEO?

The rankings are not always true.

Well, this is not the biggest tragedy, but to track positions (both manually and with the help of software) was not that difficult, but not accurate. Although before it was a painstaking affair.

In principle, the methods of determination that worked before this event work now, but not always (if you notice an increase in traffic, and the positions remain unchanged - this means Google's geo-targeting is in your favor).

The rich get richer.

Those quality sites that were in the top of their topics, feel the jumps in traffic.

But, but it will help to fight with sites that steal content from well-known brands, and this is on hand to major sites.

User Experience and Brands.

It has always been very critical to make users fall in love with the site, but after SEO changes this can be felt even more.

Those sites that have become "helpless before the CEO" should become even better in order to get regular users to visit the site and attract new ones.

Buying traffic will now become the basis of development.

Now, paid site ad impressions in search results will become a very effective means of website promotion.

And I think the development will receive the system of advertising Google AdSense or other similar. Soon, I think we will see a lot of feedback and tests from SEOs.

What should we do differently?

Conquer as many visitors as possible.

Google counts all the visitors who came to your site and the more they were, the higher your ranking in the Google geo will be.

Improving the attitude to the brand.

Never before this point in the seo did not engage in the formation of a brand, site recognition, etc. Now, with the personalization of Google search , it makes it clear that the love of users needs to be won.


The best solution for accurate tracking of traffic and everything connected with it is recommended to use Google statistics.

There is nothing new here, but many have not paid attention to it before, although they are effective methods of doing online business.

Are these changes really shocking SEO?

I think not. After all, such standard CEO methods still work:

1. Make the pages available.
2. We use anchors in the links as well as search phrases.
3. Make the content fun and useful for visitors.
4. We seek links located in the posts of reputable resources.

The recent changes in Google’s algorithms make it impossible to say that fundamental changes have occurred in SEO.

We continue to work and we have already said many times that these are not the most serious changes of the recent time (Bing + Yahoo! We created a real-time issue, which I consider to be a more serious change).

All the latest developments are another test by experienced optimizers for competence.


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Terms: seo, smo, monetization, basics of internet marketing