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Eternal links, traffic, near-link text


  Eternal links, traffic, near-link text

Recently, just wild disputes happen over the fact that more taxis, eternal or not eternal links, those for which traffic goes or for which it does not go, take into account the left or right part of the near-reference text ...

Probably it is worth going through each of the points, and I wanted to talk about it in the light of the emergence of the "average" option, which objectively is the "middle", the one that can be said to be golden. Along the way I will touch on the standard questions asked by users.

Perpetual, semi-permanent, mutilated links.

This is a standard question that rules, sapo, or "eternal", to the eternal, I am extremely subjective, perhaps, because there is no control over them and some of them die or are removed, so their use depends entirely on the subject and budget of the customer.

Eternal is a marketing tool, no more than that, we are well aware that no one is able to guarantee its presence for at least 2-3 years, the site owner can change, the link can simply be torn down, and the site itself can simply die, but the link will still be called "eternal".

Why is that? - marketing, if you do not call eternal, then who will pay such money?

Even the most popular exchange "links forever" gives only 3 months warranty, because objectively give more - material losses can not be avoided.
Therefore, it is necessary to set priorities very clearly, depending on the budget and subject matter of the website being promoted.

Traffic, behavioral factors in the links.

Do I need "links forever"? - Of course they are needed, they allow you to create the very trust pad for the site, which will be decisive in many topics. Yes, and reduced dependence on all sorts of unstable elements, failures and other things, if we talk about stock exchange links.

I’m not saying that stock links have lost their effectiveness, it’s just reduced. That is why Mainlink began working with behavioral factors in links, and not just selling links. Many sites, high-quality sites, have additional indicators, webmasters also want to mark their site as high-quality, and without behavioral factors it is not so easy to do. This is how some links exchanges adapt to the new conditions of the game , which the search engine "draws".

Yes, there are different types of eternal links, from the usual guards, to posted in articles. But between the "forever" and "saplinks" still existed a gulf, i.e. expensive and immediately or cheap and daily. And what the market really needed was practically non-existent.

As a promoter, I want to see just a few factors that I need :

  • Quality advertising text, in which the link is sealed.
  • More guarantees in the context of the term.
  • The location is not in the "asshole of the world", so that the behavioral factor of the links works, so that transitions are made on them, which means that the link works!

And damn it, but finally these needs were heard, Sergey respect, thanks and other thanks. Links forever from themed ads with installment payment !

Objectively, this format lies on the surface, but why did it begin to be implemented only now?

After all, it’s absolutely exactly what everyone wants, that they would also follow the links, because almost contextual advertising with SEO effect is obtained (of course, without targeting and with less coverage of sites)!

In my opinion - this is a breakthrough, because full control of these links is carried out, and the process of promotion is cheapened, there is no such format that the customer came, they bought eternal links to the entire budget, and he left after 3 months. As a result, ALL the budget is spent and there is no customer, the delay in payment in this aspect greatly helps to control the expenditure part and distribute it more evenly.

In addition, installments for 6 months , i.e. the entire amount for this eternal link in the ad will be paid for a period of 2 times the "guarantee" that is now on the market, in 3 months! Payment links goes gradually, within 180 days , and not "pens" the entire budget in the first month. If during this time you need to change the ad or URL - it can also be replaced.

The most important thing is that the ad is located not in the basement, but it is disguised as “under the context” that, in conjunction with the thematic placement, traffic will bring traffic, and the link for which traffic goes will work . Moderation of sites is double, Mainlink + Rookee itself, 2 completely different moderating parties, this is good.

The purchase of these links is possible only through Rookee, the interface will have full control over the links, but not everyone will immediately find where to buy, in the Hands everything is built on scenarios, respectively, the purchase of these ads must be customized in the scripts.

  Eternal links, traffic, near-link text

Then assign a budget to various kinds of links. But I will not describe the methodology in more detail; you will read it yourself in the hands blog, where it is written about other innovations.

Circumference text. Left, right, middle.

Relatively recently, a vigorous srach on this topic has turned out, with one of the community members on Ya.Ru. With mutual throwing in each other different substances   Eternal links, traffic, near-link text

But the result is that I laid out a few examples. About how the near-syllable text works for natural links, I have already spoken about this more than once, even in the video about Key Collector, where I said that it is possible to use mono, as well as the method itself.

As you can see on the screenshots, the near-link text is needed for natural links , the thematic environment goes to the anchor sheet of the document , and as of April 29, 2011, just like a year earlier, the right-hand part is taken into account.

Who does not agree - give examples of the passage of the left side. Only reasoned, because I myself want the left part to be taken into account, it is more natural.   Eternal links, traffic, near-link text

I'm not saying that you only need to write texts from the right side, you must also write to the left, at least not to get gluing with other links next to yours. Especially since the accounting has changed from left to right, so I use the environment on both sides !

In order not to copy the whole history of vigorous sracha, I give links to it, as well as an infographic, drawn in the heat of argument   Eternal links, traffic, near-link text

  • RESULTS: in search of NPS -

How can this be used in the light of the appearance of the format of ads with perpetual links? Do you really need to describe it, or do you guess?   Eternal links, traffic, near-link text
PS near byword is a lot of interesting moments, but for now the dispute is only about accounting for the anchor list. In other aspects, I probably will tell you separately with research, but much later.


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Terms: seo, smo, monetization, basics of internet marketing