Most companies understand the need to be online and have a website. For some, creating a site and its content is a one-time event. Budgets are cut down and such companies do not want to spend money .

For most companies, site and content updates are very rare: the release of a new product, etc. The site owners are satisfied with the site, and the managers do not have to regularly monitor it. IT staff does the minimum to maintain the site (which usually means templating the site). Essentially, these types of sites are "dead" when it comes to search engine promotion.

When it comes to the fact that you need new content, most site owners look negatively at these ideas , because you need to invest in this. Or they sometimes turn to cheap services that do not bring any effect.

For many companies, it is very difficult to move from a “dead” site to a constantly updated one, but this forces customers to make demands and actions of competitors.

When a company marketer says that we have nothing new to add - this is a death sentence for the site .

A business that is directly related to working closely with the needs of customers takes time to understand the problems and their solutions, so it requires constant updating of the content - fresh information for customers.

If the person responsible for the success of the corporate website does not have the desire or ability to move to the active development of content, then there are several options: hire someone who will do this or train someone from the existing staff. Or leave it as it is. Traffic will decline, the loss of keyword positions and end .

Entering into disputes, as a result, most business owners agree that creating and promoting content is worth it. The more useful the already published pages, the greater the chance that they will bring backlinks and improve their position in search engines. In addition, an increase in search traffic means an increase in the volume of analysis and the creation of new content that is more suited to user requests in connection with the analysis data.

The effect of such work you will not see the next morning. It takes time to plan, learn and have a little luck.

How bad should company affairs be for change?

Active companies that are seeing a decline in natural search traffic are immediately reviewing their current Internet marketing strategy. Ask yourself a few questions:

  • When is content creation and promotion appropriate?
  • Are you sure that the content you create will bring maximum results?
  • What amounts of content are needed?
  • How will you manage the content?
  • How will you promote?
  • What will be the formatting of the content to make it as efficient and productive as possible?
  • Do you define customer interactions with content on and off site?
  • How to find out what content gives the desired result, and what does not work at all?
  • How can several departments create high-quality work content?
  • How do you determine your competitors' content development strategies?
  • What strategies for creating and promoting content are most effective and competitive?

I also urge companies that are launching new sites to take a fresh look at web content marketing. It is not recommended to completely make a website in Flash - this can be a stumbling block in terms of SEO.

Explore your niche and determine the most popular content structure, topics and audience.

  • What will save you from competition?
  • What investments can you make in promoting content so that your costs can be easily paid off?
  • What technologies will help you in creating content, managing and promoting it to achieve maximum results?

Of course, it is worth answering the main questions:

  • How do your company and website implement the tasks?
  • Is your company site "dead"?
  • What are your reasons for avoiding change?

Yes, many probably will say, for RuNet it is not applicable. It is not possible to write content for very many topics. For example, the sale of any equipment, is this the usual technical parameters, what can you write there?

You can even need it! You sell cell phones - do reviews!

Ultimatum site: content or end

Content is not only the textual content of the site, but also photos and videos. Sotovik is a vivid example when a quality review is made to many phone models, which brings not only backlinks, but also thematic traffic that can be converted into sales. On the one hand, it is quite simple, on the other hand, it is a laborious way from a simple store to a thematic portal.

For such an approach to work, when the CEO is interested in all the subtleties , you can wish to every company that is planning a truly business development. There are not only service descriptions on the company's websites, but also analytics, which are written not by rewriters or copywriters, but by professionals, sometimes even directors!

Indeed, it is very easy to order the work of a copywriter, and not to do it yourself, but in some types of business only owners or people who are completely immersed in it can write quality material .

I have several clients in the medical field - they don’t even allow me to access the content, not even to “not significant” changes, because the subject requires professional texts, and my task is only to adapt the final material and “saturate” it with the correct requests, including a bunch of low-frequency components.

Do you have a small business selling used cars? What is there to write about? What content do users need? - users need real photos, real data on the condition of the vehicle components, detailed photos of the damage and expert assessment. THOSE. you just need to take a digital camera and spend 10-20 minutes so that each car has its own photos.

Some companies, finally, took the principle of operation of the American and Japanese auctions, where each used car has a detailed passport:

Ultimatum site: content or end

Auction sheet - this is detailed information about the car. Part of the companies thought not only to spread a sheet of scan, but also Fota this damage . If the sheet indicates the chip on the hood of the car - it is photographed and laid out, because it’s not at all difficult!

In the end, if your company does not have sufficient financial capabilities - see what only a few people who have a video camera can do:

Brothers make their reviews of cars, at the level at which they can, but this is the author's content, which anyone will be popular.

All words like “it doesn’t fit our business” are excuses. Either you make a quality website with quality content, or the site dies.

Judge for yourself - who needs a business card site in the TOP? What useful information can there contain? Hundreds and thousands of companies spread similar sites on the network, in fact with the "rewriting" of services. Duck, try to differ from them in the best way!

Try to tear your ass from a cozy office chair and get busy, get busy filling your site!

At the moment, I try not to take in the promotion of sites whose owners are not ready to invest in content. Without a website development, this business has nothing to do on the Internet.