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What is Twitter in terms of Google?


With the advent of a huge number of tweets and increased traffic, Google has adapted its PR counting and issuance algorithms in response to new changes.

Last month, Google introduced a new search technology real-time, in order to provide users with much faster to see in the issuance of new posts, which previously took up to 15 minutes.

yes, now it’s really very fast that indexes are tweeting , both with Google and with Yandex. Crossposting in a blog Twitter account gives a quick “arrival” of fast-access website for indexing (note )

The rest of the search engines are not far behind and also offer delivery in real time. But both Google and Bing forgot to include in the indexing those 140-character micro-blog posts left by Twitter users.

Still, Google is trying to display as much new information as possible by scanning headlines, blogs, and feeds from Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and other resources.

What is Twitter in terms of Google?

Tweets depend on the output of Google , but the search engine has not yet decided how to rank them. The basis for determining the relevance of tweets is PR technology, which helps to find relevant pages in the traditional search. More pages that link to your page — more pages that link to pages that link to you — higher your page rank.

In the case of Twitter, the main task is to identify respected followers - one of the developers of the algorithm says (Twitter users follow the comments of other users who they have chosen).

" You earn a reputation and then you give it away . If a lot of people follow you and then you follow someone, this person won't even have many followers after that," his tweet will be considered valuable, because his followers have a large number of followers.

"When one user follows another, it’s the same as backlinks leading to the site. In both cases, everything happens in the form of a recommendation, " says Singhal, one of the developers of the algorithm.

When a high quality page links to another page, the page weight is transferred. So, if a respected user follows another, his weight is transferred to this user.

But this is just one of the algorithms that Google uses to index tweets. The search giant also develops these technologies and seeks to avoid low quality spam and tweets.

What is Twitter in terms of Google?

One problem with tweets - sometimes they are literally stuffed with tags - characters that start after # and followed by very popular words. When such tags are added to twitter, then you will have the opportunity to see when other users click on this tag with the word on the site.

These tags are not safe for tweeting and can also attract content similar to spam. And therefore, Google is trying to avoid such low-quality tweets side.

Another problem : how to select the most relevant information on the "Obama" request among all the White House tweets and thousands of other tweets.

According to a Google representative, work is underway on this, because it is very difficult to create such an algorithm and select the information you need.

For such requests, Google is going to rely on related topics with the "Obama" query: "Cambridge police" or "Harry Reid". Using this technique, Google will be able to display the desired tweets or blogs.

What is Twitter in terms of Google?

In the future, Twitter and Google are hoping to improve search algorithms by introducing geo-targeting for posts left from smartphones.

As stated by the representative of the team of developers of the algorithm issuance in real time, they are working very closely with the Twitter team and try to figure out all the nuances that are possible with the issue.

According to Singhal, Twitter is the most advanced source of real-time information .

Twitter is the most important element of today's Internet. However, as we are seeing - just one of the elements. We attach great importance to news, blogs and web pages that were generated in real time, because news organizations work very hard to get good results. Twitter is certainly very important, but we look at the real-time Internet much more widely.


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