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What should the 404 error page look like?


  What should the 404 error page look like?

Let's look at the results of a recent study that was aimed at studying the influence of the design of page 404 on user behavior.

If you think that the 404 page with a picture and other design is the best option so that the user wants to view the site further, then you are right. Let's look at the example of our ward.

  What should the 404 error page look like?

v 1.0 - text only.

Text - a plain text informing the user about possible reasons why he could get on page 404
conversion - 37%

  What should the 404 error page look like?

v 1.01 - Text, image and link.

The text is a plain text informing the user about the possible reasons why he could get on page 404.

  • picture in addition
  • added search
  • list of links
  • conversion - 33.74%
  • increase in views per visitor - 29.12%

  What should the 404 error page look like?

v 1.02 - Image, text and links.

The text is a plain text informing the user about the possible reasons why he could get on page 404.

  • picture in addition
  • added search
  • list of links
  • conversion - 37.74%
  • increase in views per visitor - 38.44%

  What should the 404 error page look like?

v 1.03 - Big picture, text and drop-down menu.

The text is a plain text informing the user about the possible reasons why he could get on page 404.

  • picture in addition
  • added search
  • product selection from the drop-down list
  • conversion - 38.32%
  • increase in views per visitor - 73.2%

  What should the 404 error page look like?

Summing up

As you can see from the examples, the version 1.03 won, having a conversion rate of 38.32% and an overall increase in views of 73.2% .

As it turned out, a large number of links on page 404 scares most users.

On version 404, which won the text was used with an apology about the error, the drop-down list and search and the corresponding color scheme, which improves functionality and looks more attractive to the user.


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