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Single flight: the work of a regular optimizer in the company


As a regular optimizer of any company - you personally, fully, are responsible for all the search marketing of the company you work for.

This is quite a common thing when companies, in order to minimize their expenses on search promotion, take to their work full-time optimizers, especially when they launch some kind of new Internet project, or when previous promotion works from partner "external" companies It was decided to transfer "inside" of his company for one reason or another. : such "departments" in companies are formed quite often, when it grows to a certain scale and should perform certain work "your" person, and not third-party. This is really a well-built business.

It will be expensive for a regular company to have a regular optimizer , moreover, one can even say that it is ineffective. Such an employee will delay himself as a salary, as well as the cost of search promotion, which will significantly increase costs (we are not even talking about the results, because this is a separate conversation).

Also in modern conditions, many companies understand the "optimizer" as the person who will completely lead the site (from design to programming).

For all my activities related to the Internet, I have worked only with two such companies that could afford to maintain a staff of specialists, these are companies with dozens of offices all over Russia, of course, the turnover is amazing, the mechanism also Single flight: the work of a regular optimizer in the company

Regardless of what form your work goes, whether you are a member of the marketing team in the IT department, or a fully autonomous employee, the development and execution of a promotion strategy rests entirely on your shoulders (or head).

For all sites, with the exception of microscopic ones, such tasks are associated with a sharp increase in workload; moreover, you will need to spend a lot of time in order to keep the achieved results and not move down . You will not be able to achieve success and meet the expectations of your employer without effective time management and distribution of your work assignments.

Even for optimizers who already have a lot of experience in this kind of work, I think this article will be useful, because it outlines a number of principles and tips that can help you improve the efficiency of your work, whether you work as a team or individually.

However, this decision made by the company is quite often the most optimal way to increase SEO efficiency without increasing expenses.

Challenge others to complete tasks — wherever possible.

In order to achieve high results in search marketing and SEO in particular, you need to constantly seek cooperation with other specialists to distribute the “roles” between you or, more precisely, different tasks.

For example, when you find that the "www" version of the site is not glued together by a 301 redirect with a "non-www" version, have someone from the IT department do this work for you.

An SEO specialist who works independently may even somewhat expand this rule, because it will be loaded to the maximum, in this case I recommend getting rid of unnecessary tasks where possible.

For each new page of the site, at a minimum, a unique “title” tag and “description” meta tag must be created, and if several hundred or even thousands of new pages are created per day, how to act in this case, you cannot just be busy all day long creating new pages.

In this case, it is simply impossible to do without the services of a professional copywriter, if this is not in your team, then you will need to involve him "from the outside." Even assuming that you yourself can cope with some amount of copywriting work, it may be better to entrust this work to a professional who can cope with it faster and better than you.

If you want to assign some other specialist a specific area of ​​his work, even if it is a super professional in his field, in any case he will need to provide additional training, so to speak an introductory course regarding your specific project, and this requires a certain amount of time.

In this case, you must weigh the time spent on training this specialist and the time you would have spent on this task yourself.

For example, you need to do some work for which you spend one hour a day, specialist training to do this work will take one day, in which case you will begin to receive real benefits only after two weeks, in which case it makes sense to hire someone then if you don’t do this work yourself in less than two days. Now compare, it is advantageous to entrust this task to someone "on the side" or to do it yourself.

If you like everything under control, then naturally you will constantly need to pay extra attention to the work of the specialist you hired.

Although SEO is a bad habit, because search engine optimization is an area in which there are no patterns and where it is difficult to control everything.

Use contractors

If you look carefully at the list of your tasks, you will surely find several among them that require much more experience and knowledge to accomplish what you have, and on the other hand you cannot neglect these tasks as they are needed to effectively promote your website.

Depending on the budget of your company, you can entrust the execution of some or all of these tasks to some external company or specialist, this will not only save your own time but also get the work done more professionally than you would have done yourself.

For example, if we talk about contextual advertising, then the task of conducting an advertising campaign to a foreign company in most cases can be a significantly better solution, first of all in terms of optimizing the expenditure of the advertising budget and increasing the effectiveness of the advertising campaign. The same with tasks that are related to programming, such as writing scripts or modifying already existing CMS.

It may seem surprising that the staff optimizer should be assigned to some other people to conduct search marketing campaigns. But in fact, the main task of the optimizer is website promotion in organic search , so you need to concentrate all your efforts on this. As for the context, it is more and more predictable, instruct professionals to do this.

Automation will save you time and effort.

There is always something that can be done automatically, without your direct intervention, thus you will increase the efficiency of your work, as you save yourself from performing repetitive tasks of the same kind.

For example, when internally optimizing pages using software tools, you can automatically put new page titles, fill in meta tags, add alt tags, and so on.

Everywhere where there are duplicate forms with text fields, you can fill them in using special software using databases. A similar situation with the reporting forms, with the help of special analytics programs you can check the status of links , positions by keywords and other SEO information.

In general, the possibilities for automating your work are many, and you should not neglect them.

Unlike the assignment of a part of your work to other people, automation requires a little more attention at the beginning when tuning is in progress, but then you can be completely calm during the process of completing the task, the effort spent initially is nothing compared with the time saved later.

Improve management

I will give, as an example, one very common case of life. Some company decided to start promoting its own website, the management department (who has no idea how SEO works at all) wants to know in advance what profit will come from this next quarter (year, half-year, etc.). I want to note that no work has been done to promote the site, and the site’s positions in SERP are very far from TOP.

There are two ways to act in a similar situation. You can devote a week or two to forecasting various possible scenarios of advancement and calculation, using complex mathematical formulas, virtual profit, and the numbers you get will be very approximate.

Or you can tell them honestly about all that it is impossible to make a forecast exactly, since in the process of promotion there are many variable factors that depend on a huge number of circumstances and in this case it is better to give an account already in the course of promotion.

The advantage of the second option is much more, because instead of spending your time on making predictions, which may later be of no use, it is better to take up your direct responsibilities to promote the site, so you can save time and quickly achieve the desired result.

This does not mean that you need to tell the management team that writing a report is a waste of time, you just need to explain to them why. But if you were still forced to do this, then expect that in three months you will have a very unpleasant conversation in which you will need to report why the company did not receive the projected income from your work.

Be prepared for the fact that your work will not be sugar, because in order for you to effectively perform your duties, you will constantly need to ask the authorities for additional funds for campaigning, to confront other employees of the company (or even entire departments) if they do that Something that is detrimental to SEO, you will also need to prioritize optimization work, and this may not always please your superiors who will constantly try to download you with something else.

You do not need to behave "aggressively" in such situations, try to be tactful, but at the same time learn to fight back those who will somehow try to impair your working opportunities.

Remember that the most important thing for you is effective optimization and promotion of the company's website, therefore, defend your workspace in every possible way, otherwise you will not be able to effectively cope with your duties and as a result, the authorities will be very dissatisfied with your work.

Spend time on your professional development.

Perhaps you think that time spent watching thematic blogs, participating in discussions on forums, reading special literature, attending seminars and conferences is something secondary, less meaningful than your main “real” SEO work, and therefore you can donate them Moreover, the list of tasks for your main work is rapidly increasing and there is no longer any time for these minor tasks.

First , if you stop educating yourself, you will fall behind the latest changes in the search engine optimization world, you will use outdated methods, and therefore the efficiency and effectiveness of your work will constantly decrease.

Secondly , you were hired to engage in a SEO company because you are a professional. In such a rapidly developing industry as search marketing, the knowledge acquired yesterday may already be of little use today, and if you don’t work to improve your professional level in accordance with the present day, then you run the risk of becoming a non-professional very quickly and becoming completely professional. uninteresting to your employer.

Thinking big, don't forget small

At the end of each working day, it’s nice to be in the habit of asking yourself this question: “ What have I done today to improve the search engine visibility of my site? ” The answer should never be: “ nothing! ”.

  • Strategic planning does not improve the position of your site in SERPa.
  • A day spent composing a semantic core will not increase your income from context until you use the results of your work in a campaign.
  • Your participation in the coolest SEO conference will not add inbound links to your site.

Yes, I do not deny that strategic planning is very important for the future, but practical SEO is your primary and primary task, because the employer expects results from you, and he doesn’t care about everything you do, the only thing that worries him is position of his site.

Therefore, always find time to do something that directly affects the ranking of the site, let it be something insignificant, for example, make a redirect from 404 pages, fill in alt tags for pictures, or unsubscribe a letter to a blogger who is going to link to your resource.

Jobs work discord

Before agreeing to work in a company, you need to clearly clarify your job duties and what will be required of you as a specialist, so that there will be no "surprises", disappointments and other negative consequences.

If you are going to work as a full-time optimizer in any company, then be prepared for the fact that you will have to do tasks that are not entirely characteristic of your main line of business, respectively, you should have additional knowledge and skills.

To make you understand better what is being said, I will quote a small announcement from an employer that can be considered quite typical:

For a new and rapidly developing web portal, you need an SEO specialist. His responsibilities will include: internal website optimization, building up link mass, conducting advertising campaigns in context, making changes to HTML code, writing PHP scripts, supporting and writing content for two related blogs, conducting marketing companies related to the main website.

One of the positive moments in the work of a full-time specialist is that you don’t have to be bored, there will always be a lot of work and it will be varied and I would even find rocks fascinating, but the further it becomes more and after a while you just don’t have time to cope with all tasks, or even to work beyond the norm, sacrificing their personal time.

Therefore, do not let the related tasks absorb you, focus all your efforts only on what is directly related to SEO, let other specialists deal with everything else, only in this way you will be able to work effectively .


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Terms: seo, smo, monetization, basics of internet marketing