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Drop Domains RU


  Drop Domains RU

Very often, including from colleagues, I heard disparaging remarks about the drop-in domains in the .RU zone, and more precisely about those that are sold at auctions for free domain names.

Beg not agree with this position.

Where do I see the advantages of domains from auctions, drops?
- targeted traffic on the desired topic;
- old domain ( for search engines ).

How can this be used?
- satellites (in the full sense of the word satellites);
- MFA sites with domain inheritance;
- sale of " old " domains for SEO purposes (there may be various applications);
- sale of auction domains to their former owners who forgot to renew on time.

After the transition to a simplified scheme of changing the domain administrator - the possibilities are expanded significantly. A few days passed after I signed an additional agreement with GPT , and already sold 2 RU domains . And if earlier somehow it was too lazy to waste time on sales below $ 1k , now it’s just a few seconds .

Depending on the domain, it is now possible to sell some at prices that are acceptable to both parties (it’s about the drops, not 100% of the keys in their topics or regions). I think the simplified scheme for changing the administrator will bear fruit and many domainers, like me, will make concessions to potential buyers, and not be lazy to raise the fifth fulcrum for an amount just below $ 1k.

PS in this message did not describe, intentionally, all the options for the use of the drop-down domains, as well as the parameters of their selection.


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